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Registered Userneilxt

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Comments Made by neilxt
Showing 1 - 10 of ~21
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Weak signal
10/16/2004 09:40:36 PM
Weak signal
by BKerr

Took me a second to "get" this one. Cute. A sort of visual pun.
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Dear Mom
10/16/2004 09:29:32 PM
Dear Mom
by Delphi00

I like the idea, but I think it would have worked better focussed on the tip rather than the logo. Unless the intent was ironic, re: the communication in advertising in which case again - nice idea, but too subtle.
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South Hampton Gourd
10/01/2004 10:29:02 PM
South Hampton Gourd
by TLL061

A title that focussed on the way it looks like a monstrous hand would have helped this picture.
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Genetic variety
10/01/2004 10:21:24 PM
Genetic variety
by nico_blue

If ever there was a picture that did NOT want to be presented in B&W this was it.
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Daddy's Whiskers
09/22/2004 09:16:58 PM
Daddy's Whiskers
by elru21

A lot of people use B&W for no good reason and if I don't think it adds to a picture I dock them a point for it. I added one to yours. An excellent shot and nice use of B&W
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A painful harvest
09/22/2004 09:12:44 PM
A painful harvest
by Russ

Several people had this basic idea, but this was the best. Even though it had to be posed it gives every impression of having captured the moment as it happened; even that out of focus foreground blackberry helps convey that and give the picture a sense of spontaneity. I'm sure a lot of people will dock you for that but I liked it and I'm putting you up in my top group - all 9s today.
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09/22/2004 09:09:18 PM
by nico_blue

In some respects this is a stock picture and my first reaction was "OK - seen it before" but it's beautifully executed and I couldn't resist putting it up in my top batch of 9's

What can I say. Sex sells.
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09/22/2004 09:07:24 PM
by peete

Really wasn't sure about this one, but the incongruity of the images finally persuaded me to put it in my top batch. Very nice photo, well executed. I think just a hint more of the mustache would have helped identify the subject and clarify the message.
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Listen - It's realy in there!
09/22/2004 09:04:16 PM
Listen - It's realy in there!
by siggi

This one started out as a 6 and kept moving up as I refined my votes. A very fine picture.
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Can You Feel It?
09/22/2004 08:51:49 PM
Can You Feel It?
by bobgaither

This is a beautiful shot and if I could have thought of any way that I could believe this was on topic I'd have given it a 10. Still - a good strong 9 and I wish it had been in a more appropriate competition.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Showing 1 - 10 of ~21

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