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Comments Made by superpope
Showing 1 - 10 of ~15
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I Spy
04/16/2008 09:09:33 AM
I Spy
by h2

Very clever!
Photographer found comment helpful.
11/10/2004 12:57:50 AM
by faithriko

Okay, that's just... ugh. *shivers*
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Exreteme Close Up
11/10/2004 12:56:42 AM
Exreteme Close Up
by Shadowrain

I'm a huge Dragon Ball Z fan, but this doesn't fit the theme at all.

Is that supposed to be ChiChi? And that's the tallest Freeza I've ever seen. ;)
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My Eye
11/10/2004 12:46:37 AM
My Eye
by bruski

So close it's grotesque! I don't want to see what my eyes look like that close up...

Great solution to the challenge.
Photographer found comment helpful.
11/10/2004 12:36:26 AM
by vasc

Focus is on the eyebrow and eye lashes instead of the eye. Seems to me the eye should be the subject.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Extra Credit
10/20/2004 01:13:01 PM
Extra Credit
by panoramix

I get the feeling I'm missing the joke...
Photographer found comment helpful.
Skipping School at the Diner
10/20/2004 12:58:53 PM
Skipping School at the Diner
by PerezDesignGroup

I think that's a bit of a stretch. Good photo, but only the title indicates that the theme was even considered.
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Books; Passing On Knowledge & Ideas To The Masses
10/14/2004 12:50:36 AM
Books; Passing On Knowledge & Ideas To The Masses
by 3DsArcher

Fits the theme, but the photo is pretty boring. Seems out of focus, too.
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The Grapevine
10/14/2004 12:49:28 AM
The Grapevine
by soup

Clever pun, but the photo doesn't convey "communication" in any real sense. I don't think the title of a photo should be its only visible connection to the theme.
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telephone pole starlings
10/14/2004 12:47:56 AM
telephone pole starlings
by pellie

That's a power line and a transformer, not a phone line.

Nice photo, though.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Showing 1 - 10 of ~15

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