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Comments Made by _Io_
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Image Comment
06/28/2006 05:32:53 PM
by Johnnyflash

A few things might strengthen this good image this slightly - Taking the photo from slightly higher would allow the rod to come from the bottom left corner whilst still vertically centering the oven; cropping more tightly on the right would put the vertical of the oven on a 3rds line; mirroring the image would give you the letter D, matching your Diablo theme.
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Eagle In Glass
06/28/2006 07:27:57 AM
Eagle In Glass
by mnouwens

A closer shot of the eagle might have suited the title better. There's a pleasing symmetry at work, but the subject is poorly lit - there are a lot of odd reflections at work here, and the paperweight doesn't stand out against its background.
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LightBulb Blooming in the Garden
06/28/2006 03:19:15 AM
LightBulb Blooming in the Garden
by fullmetalfinn

Nice idea, but the bulb's a little lost in this huge expanse. Coming in much closer would give it more prominence, and fix the exposure problems from having so much bright sunlight in the frame.
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Arch over the Tennessee
01/05/2006 07:16:20 PM
Arch over the Tennessee
by photoneer

With a fixed horizon, this would look much better. Slighty over exposed, though.
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Detached and Lost
08/30/2005 09:15:30 PM
Detached and Lost
by Sherri1209

Whoa! Great background, with such a sharp leaf - top marks, but it's a shame the leaf is so small. I'd have taken it slightly more out of centre, perhaps cropping the top & left off.
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Dread & Laughter
08/30/2005 09:12:13 PM
Dread & Laughter
by p2jvr

Queued for ages, been there, done that :)
The wires at the top look over sharpened.
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Donkey and Llama
08/30/2005 09:08:57 PM
Donkey and Llama
by Riponlady

Looks over sharpened, but you get a plus point for comedy value, so slightly above average.
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Dock & Lamps
08/30/2005 09:06:36 PM
Dock & Lamps
by pinbokeshatta

When the horizon's at such a shallow angle off the norm, it should really be leveled out - it wouldn't detract from the half hooped lights at all (which would also benefit from having their verticals straight up). If you'd caught the ferry a few seconds later with the row of lights pointing directly at it without obscuring it, you would have been onto a perfect 10!.
I do like the intersection of one light with the next.
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Darkness & Light
08/30/2005 04:30:01 PM
Darkness & Light
by tryals15

Focus is soft, but the light catching the eye is great!
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Dark & Light
08/30/2005 04:29:26 PM
Dark & Light
by boyetv

Nice attempt - I'd have cleaned the glass, and the shell's not quite in focus.
Photographer found comment helpful.
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