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Comments Made by mkalandros
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Image Comment
08/30/2006 09:29:15 PM
by Shea927

Your biggest flaw is the background -- the wrinkles of the sheet are REALLY distracting. The same goes for being able to see where the sheet ends, as well as the uneven lighting on it. You need to get a larger sheet with a more distributed light source and but some distance between you and it so the sheet is not in focus. And iron it, if possible.

The pose is dramatic, but I'm not sure I'd have the left hand at the head like that.
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Smile for the fishes
08/30/2006 09:25:14 PM
Smile for the fishes
by walbland

A nice take on this challenge. I wish the photographer wasn't leaning out of the frame as much as she is. I also wonder if shooting over her shoulder would have made for a stronger composition. Still, a nice capture of an activity most of us have probably tried.
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Under The Board Walk Down By The Sea...
08/30/2006 09:23:14 PM
Under The Board Walk Down By The Sea...
by Elliottjms

I like the colors. There's something off about the composition, though. I think its that the subject appears to be the waves, and the silhouette is distracting from the waves. I keep trying to look through them, rather than at them. Maybe backing up a bit to get more of the boardwalk itself in the frame and reduce the impact of the seascape would help this.
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Shadow Boyfriend
08/30/2006 09:14:41 PM
Shadow Boyfriend
by jphotos

Its a shadow, not a silhouette. Beyond that, your shadow and your model are competing for attention. I would have preferred a better pose for her -- perhaps looking up at the camera? Also, I don't think the empty space around here is working for you here. The patchy lawn is very distracting.
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Sonoma Vineyards
11/04/2005 09:33:36 PM
Sonoma Vineyards
by rjkstesch

Absolutely spectacular. You caught the rows leading into the fog just right. The horizon is eerie looking. When I look at the foreground alone it looks a bit under exposed and dark, but when I look at the whole picture it fits.
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11/03/2005 11:12:39 AM
by saracat

I think you need a bit of fill flash here -- he's too dark, IMO. Other than losing a bit of hair to the background, I don't have any problems with it.
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11/03/2005 11:10:11 AM
by saracat

She's well lit from the front, but I would choose a different background -- you're losing her hair in the dark areas. Also, the brush behind her and to the right add nothing to the picture -- maybe cropping more closely to her or blurring the background would help that. You might try cropping more closely to the face (maybe hair and face only?). That could make a very dramtic composition.
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11/03/2005 11:05:57 AM
by saracat

This one looks pretty good. I like the look on her face. The background in the lower right is a bit distracting -- the pine needles on the bench behind her. I'd consider cropping to just under her elbows to get rid of that. The rest of the background is fine.
You could maybe use a bit of fill flash, but the play of shadow and light is kind of nice, so I could go either way on that one.
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Shadow Reflection
10/24/2005 09:46:46 PM
Shadow Reflection
by ajmason66

Kinda pushes the defintion of reflection. Beyond that the composition isn't that interesting. The lighting looks like a simple flash -- it needs more drama. The textured ceiling acts as a distraction, as well.
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10/24/2005 09:45:12 PM
by lowe_zone

Doesn't really do anything for me. I wouldn't have known it was a guitar w/o the title. The reflected image doesn't really scream "Rock and Roll" to me. It would have been better either with the guitar flipped over so we can see the strings or at least with less of a crop to see what the reflecting surface is. I'd also dress the model up to look more like a rockstar or musician.
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