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Registered Userboughan

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Comments Made by boughan
Showing 1 - 10 of ~29
Image Comment
12/29/2004 01:02:40 AM

You must live where it is warm, I couldn't imagine riding a carousel this time of the year. Great dynamic photo. I may have been tempted to crop a bit tighter on the head eliminating some othe stuff on the lower right. Just the same, really effective.
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Magic Pencil
12/29/2004 01:01:01 AM
Magic Pencil
by soup

Nice idea. I wonder how you got the pencil to stay standing up long enough to take the photo. Great composition to the photo.
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12/29/2004 12:59:29 AM
by Richie23

This photo has a quality of mystery to it that I like. I wonder about where was it taken, what was the stone (looks like a millstone) used for, when was it used? Even the lousy weather helps set the mood. Great job.
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Scramble 'em
12/29/2004 12:57:43 AM
Scramble 'em
by shamel

I like it. Your photo kind of has an "oh no mr. bill" quality to it. It made me laugh.
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Mechanical Meter
12/29/2004 12:55:08 AM
Mechanical Meter
by Alipio

I like your idea; it would have been interesting to have a mark on the ruler equaling the value on the meter display (kind of hard to do though). White balance looks off on the hand.
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Just an old puncher...
12/29/2004 12:51:19 AM
Just an old puncher...
by LevT

I'm tryiing to figure out if you desaturated the photo except for the paper, or was this really the way you shot it. Very effective. Nice layout.
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No Way Out
12/29/2004 12:47:27 AM
No Way Out
by KDO

Kind of morbid, but well done. It jolted me a bit when I first looked at the photo. The off balance layout feeds the feeling that something is wrong here. Even though I felt disturbed viewing the photograph, I think it is excellent.
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The Old Fashioned Way
12/29/2004 12:44:11 AM
The Old Fashioned Way
by GolferDDS

The overall tone of the photo appeals to me. It is like sepia almost. The line where the background joins the table doesn't feel right to me. It needs to be further up or down.r
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Tic-toc Tic-toc
12/29/2004 12:41:09 AM
Tic-toc Tic-toc
by I Enjoy Ham

My mind wants to see the numbers backwards as if the mechanical pieces were shown behind the clock face. I think this is an interesting photo, but suffers a bit from a too-digital-look.
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Manual Stapler
12/29/2004 12:39:10 AM
Manual Stapler
by birdyblue

Cool graphic effect. Nice composition and a unique photo.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Showing 1 - 10 of ~29

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