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Registered Useroravsky123

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Comments Made by oravsky123
Showing 61 - 70 of ~81
Image Comment
11/17/2006 07:12:58 AM
Heritage1st Place
by gloda

The perspecitve works wonderfully. The vastness of the space is so emphasized and the range of tones make the beauty of the place shine.
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On the Brink of Winter
11/17/2006 07:11:30 AM
On the Brink of Winter
by Noel_ZH

The horizion in the background seems off though I'm sure it is a battle with all the horizontal lines in the bridge. Either way I love the tones. Very moody image.
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cold swim
11/17/2006 07:09:42 AM
cold swim
by drueov

Stunning Image!
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10/24/2006 07:11:01 AM
by silverscreen

Excellent detail. I like the colors and contrast. Good composition. I think it may be a tad oversharpened. Regards - jennifer
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So boring !
09/14/2006 08:40:30 AM
So boring !
by oskar

Lost some detail in the whites, could be aided by some props, a book, a beaker, something! It just needs that one more element to make it really stand out.
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Pure Substance
09/14/2006 08:38:50 AM
Pure Substance
by Gunnsi

Came back to this one...I like the colors, I like the composition, maybe it's the DOF that's holding it back...
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Wild Iris: God’s Chemistry
09/14/2006 08:37:50 AM
Wild Iris: God’s Chemistry
by tedward

Out of foucus, doesn't seem to fit the challenge.
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2 parts Mentos + 20 parts Coke = Wow!
09/14/2006 08:37:31 AM
2 parts Mentos + 20 parts Coke = Wow!
by SherwinJames

Maybe the whole bottle would have worked better...I think it's the crop and composition that is bothering me. I think the lighting could have been a little better also.
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Rapid oxidation
09/14/2006 08:35:52 AM
Rapid oxidation
by lament

Nice image, Good job controlling the hot whites. A little boring though.
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Culinary Chemistry - Denaturing Breakfast
09/14/2006 08:34:45 AM
Culinary Chemistry - Denaturing Breakfast
by LucidLotus

Doesnt seem to fit the challenge all that well.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Showing 61 - 70 of ~81

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