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Registered Uservioletnight

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Comments Received by violetnight
Showing 1 - 10 of ~17
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Nightfall in Brisbane
03/18/2010 04:53:22 PM
Nightfall in Brisbane
by violetnight

Comment by pedrobop:
Nice colors! Except for that distracting blue on the left! Maybe you should have cropped it. I like the leafs at the foreground though. Good luck!
Nightfall in Brisbane
03/17/2010 07:42:41 PM
Nightfall in Brisbane
by violetnight

Comment by KristinaG:
I love the rainbow reflection in the river. The lit up leaves on the right are a little distracting for me though.
Nightfall in Brisbane
03/17/2010 01:36:51 PM
Nightfall in Brisbane
by violetnight

Comment by richhansen:
Sort of Christmasy lighting. Neat cityscape.
Tools of business - laptop, mobile phone, lots of coffee and Dilbert
12/08/2009 11:43:00 PM
Tools of business - laptop, mobile phone, lots of coffee and Dilbert
by violetnight

Comment by DCNUTTER:
Good clarity and fun, but doesn't really tell me what trade you're in or portraying. That could be me on any given Saturday morning. LOL. Like the shot though...good luck!
Tools of business - laptop, mobile phone, lots of coffee and Dilbert
12/07/2009 10:27:24 PM
Tools of business - laptop, mobile phone, lots of coffee and Dilbert
12/04/2009 03:06:15 PM
Tools of business - laptop, mobile phone, lots of coffee and Dilbert
by violetnight

Comment by Ja-9:
not sure if Dilbert counts as a tool...but whatever....just a little flat in tone
Tools of business - laptop, mobile phone, lots of coffee and Dilbert
12/04/2009 12:08:24 PM
Tools of business - laptop, mobile phone, lots of coffee and Dilbert
by violetnight

Comment by HarveyG:
Pen pushers! Hehe. Nice tight crop showing all those tools but lacks pizazz or wait for it, the classic stock photo wand!
Tools of business - laptop, mobile phone, lots of coffee and Dilbert
12/03/2009 08:17:00 AM
Tools of business - laptop, mobile phone, lots of coffee and Dilbert
by violetnight

Comment by paynekj:
the image quality is good, but it feels a bit unbalanced to me - I think that's due to a lack of a strong point of interest as my eyes are drawn all over the image without settling anywhere.
Tools of business - laptop, mobile phone, lots of coffee and Dilbert
12/02/2009 01:06:51 PM
Tools of business - laptop, mobile phone, lots of coffee and Dilbert
by violetnight

Comment by jpverkamp:
The Dilbert cartoon is a nice touch. I like it.
I'm so happy you're here.
11/10/2009 01:08:17 PM
I'm so happy you're here.
by violetnight

Comment by wphunt10:
I elected to use a rating table to decide on what value to assign during voting.
Here̢۪s the table:
1 No Animal/People Interaction
2 Slightly Appealing, but no Animal/People Interaction
3 Moderately Appealing, but on Animal/People Interaction
4 Greatly Appealing, but no Animal/People interaction
5 Not Appealing, but possessing Animal/People Interaction
6 Slightly Appealing and possessing Animal/People Interaction
7 Moderately Appealing and possessing Animal/People Interaction
8 Greatly Appealing and possessing Animal People Interaction
9 Better than #8, and caused an audible sigh
10 Better than #9, and would likely declare it a favorite
Showing 1 - 10 of ~17

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