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Registered Userroyans

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Comments Received by royans
Showing 1 - 10 of ~32
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The balance between human and nature
10/29/2005 04:44:41 PM
The balance between human and nature
by royans

Comment by Longreach:
This image attracted my attention. Partly because your interpretation of the challenge (human/nature balance) was, in my opinion, better than many this week. But also because you have captured this scene very well. The colour, lighting and composure makes this scene quite memorable. Thanks.
The balance between human and nature
10/27/2005 12:51:03 PM
San Francisco Museum of Modern Arts Building
01/12/2004 12:28:00 PM
San Francisco Museum of Modern Arts Building
by royans

Comment by Olyuzi:
Though too busy for my tastes, I like the interesting geometric shapes and colors, as well as, the way my eye is lead into the picture by the gold wall. I think you could have also shaved off about an inch off the top.
San Francisco Museum of Modern Arts Building
01/10/2004 01:10:34 PM
San Francisco Museum of Modern Arts Building
by royans

Comment by kaycee:
Lovely colors, good night shot!
San Francisco Museum of Modern Arts Building
01/08/2004 11:03:23 AM
San Francisco Museum of Modern Arts Building
by royans

Comment by drgsoell:
Not sure why, but my eyes keep wandering all over this shot not able to land on any one thing. Like I'm trying to figure out what I'm looking at. Seems a bit confusing.
San Francisco Museum of Modern Arts Building
01/06/2004 11:37:38 AM
San Francisco Museum of Modern Arts Building
by royans

Comment by johnny_justjohnny:
would've been nice just a little sharper, and i bet you could do more with the reflection.
San Francisco Museum of Modern Arts Building
01/06/2004 05:30:59 AM
San Francisco Museum of Modern Arts Building
by royans

Comment by LindaLee:
Wonderful color, and a terrific composition; a very visually engaging shot.
San Francisco Museum of Modern Arts Building
01/05/2004 11:32:40 AM
San Francisco Museum of Modern Arts Building
by royans

Comment by wingy:
This is all too blurry. I'm guessing this was an attempt to handhold a shot where a tripod was necessary.
San Francisco Museum of Modern Arts Building
01/05/2004 04:11:01 AM
San Francisco Museum of Modern Arts Building
by royans

Comment by brownt:
Did you use a tripod for this? The shot seems a little out of focus.

Very nice colours!
San Francisco Museum of Modern Arts Building
01/04/2004 05:15:44 AM
San Francisco Museum of Modern Arts Building
by royans

Comment by xhoss:
doesn't look as sharp as it could be - tripod? But that said, the lines and composition are pleasing. Colors are great. My only compositional gripe is the fencing? in the pic on the left side, it distracts a little bit imo. A little angle change would take care of this. Nice work, but I think it could be stronger with a reshoot (mainly for the blurriness/soft focus). 6.
Showing 1 - 10 of ~32

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