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Registered Userhirschmj

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Comments Received by hirschmj
Showing 1 - 10 of ~16
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The Flapper
04/27/2010 04:58:37 PM
The Flapper
by hirschmj

Comment by unbreakable:
Great picture, IMHO the only distraction are some small harsh shadows near the vase and from the piano lid. Great colors. Great model. Beautiful.
The Flapper
04/27/2010 02:39:51 AM
The Flapper
by hirschmj

Comment by tanguera:
There might just be too much going on in this shot, which is gorgeous. Love her face, her make-up, her hair, her shoes. Leaning against the piano might have been enough, with the rest just hinted at in the dark.
The Flapper
04/26/2010 02:16:51 PM
The Flapper
by hirschmj

Comment by aznatural:
The Tat takes the rest away from the vintage shot other than that it was working for me
The Flapper
04/25/2010 11:46:33 PM
The Flapper
by hirschmj

Comment by ErinKirsten:
Oh my goodness I love love love her shoes!! Good luck!
The Flapper
04/24/2010 09:54:32 AM
The Flapper
by hirschmj

Comment by bassbone:
Fantastic stuff - love the pose, the dress, the location, etc....
The Flapper
04/22/2010 10:40:15 PM
The Flapper
by hirschmj

Comment by SoulJance:
love the contrast between the era of the room and dress and her tattoo
The Flapper
04/22/2010 10:12:50 PM
The Flapper
by hirschmj

Comment by Kathy:
This is my absolute favorite - totally unique concept. The tones fit the portrayed era. Although the model is dead center, and surrounded by a lot of stuff, it is the bright colors of the objects on the right side that keep the eyes moving around the image.

On a personal note - the only thing that is jarring to me is the large tattoo on the model's arm I mean, how many elegant (or low class)women had tats back in the 20's.
The Flapper
04/21/2010 05:17:19 PM
The Flapper
by hirschmj

Comment by pjotre7:
Great composition and light!
The Flapper
04/21/2010 03:33:53 PM
The Flapper
by hirschmj

Comment by giantmike:
I see the classic feel you were going for, but I'm not fully convinced you totally pulled it off. Mainly, the tattoo on her arm and her makeup detract from the classic-ness.
The Flapper
04/21/2010 02:26:54 PM
The Flapper
by hirschmj

Comment by Brent_S:
A good shot, but the sharpest focus seems to be on her right shoulder rather than her face and there is maybe a little too much focus on the surroundings- they compete with your model.
Showing 1 - 10 of ~16

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