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Comments Received by ulleva
Showing 1 - 10 of ~12
Image Comment
mr and mrs
02/10/2004 08:16:20 PM
mr and mrs
by ulleva

Comment by tfaust:
The image size is a bit small. Your lighting is off, too bright on the left side, bordering on getting dark on the right side, and there is too much shadow. Your subject has lost a lot of detail.
mr and mrs
02/09/2004 04:20:23 PM
mr and mrs
by ulleva

Comment by andywightman:
Nice idea. Not sure it works but well done for thinking laterally.
mr and mrs
02/09/2004 10:13:50 AM
mr and mrs
by ulleva

Comment by moodville:
The idea, and title, is good. The image is a little small and the focus on the items is slightly blurry. Tthe light from the upper left is a little too strong and has caused some hot spots, which also makes the darker fringe on the right more noticable.
mr and mrs
02/06/2004 01:33:08 PM
mr and mrs
by ulleva

Comment by tolovemoon:
Good subject but picture is small I am sure someone has said something about resizing your pics, I had to learn all that the hard way got voted low for pics that were good but size too small,,,,,, if you need help resizing use the tutorials that are in learn,,,,, make your picture 640 on long side and 480 on short.........it does make a big difference I know I was very greatfull for someone telling me........
mr and mrs
02/05/2004 09:52:09 AM
mr and mrs
by ulleva

Comment by Rgarcia:
Nice idea and composition, I feel that the lighting is a little bit harsh and the shot overexposed. The shadow on the figure of the right is distracting.
mr and mrs
02/05/2004 07:36:58 AM
mr and mrs
by ulleva

Comment by soccerdad:
Something about the placement of the shadows bother me about this, but, great idea.
mr and mrs
02/05/2004 07:21:54 AM
mr and mrs
by ulleva

Comment by admart01:
Picture too small to really see your photographic idea. Sorry
mr and mrs
02/04/2004 12:26:07 PM
mr and mrs
by ulleva

Comment by melking:
Very nice shot, maybe it could be a bit sharper.....9
mr and mrs
02/04/2004 05:53:32 AM
mr and mrs
by ulleva

Comment by paynekj:
I like the high contrast, but your subjects are a little out of focus which spoils the effect.
on the edge of the sidewalk
12/29/2003 04:30:24 PM
on the edge of the sidewalk
by ulleva

Comment by HBunch:
I am really not sure what this is...but it looks like a really nasty public restroom floor. While your title does state an edge, this doesn't appeal to me in any way shape or form. Maybe you'd have to be there to really appreciate the true beauty of your sidewalk. If that's so, your photo doesnt do it justice. It does look like filthy bathroom tile. I would have also suggested not doing a perfect horisontal with the 'edge'. Maybe give it some dramatic angle or diagonal or something.
Showing 1 - 10 of ~12

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