Lacy in the Skyby
shairComment by shair: I guess we were using some other definition of what a silhouette is besides the classic one I knew about. Having a focal point which is backlit and as a result appears entirely black and featureless doesn't seem to be what we were working with in this "challenge." I have no idea how someone would say it isn't a silhouette.
Maybe you can give me your ideas on what a silhouette means, or perhaps someone could leave any single comment which is useful and constructive at all instead of just voting ones and twos and threes (or even sevens, eights, or tens) and having nothing at all to say.
Is this image so terrible that there is nothing that could improve it?
Do you like or not like the focal distance, color, balance, focal point, lighting, bokeh, cropping, textures, angles, negative shapes, etc.?
If you hate it, I can see that is a valid opinion, but the whole point of this site is supposed to be for challenging one another and getting feedback.