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Comments Received by skyline
Showing 31 - 40 of ~86
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A new day
08/16/2002 11:08:00 PM
A new day
by skyline

Comment by HBunch:
This is beautiful. I love how the houses are just shadows and I love how the sun peeks out of the clouds. The sun seems quite high into the sky for it to be a very new day. I'm thinking still before noon, but do you have a horrizon? I know we have too many trees here to get a good horizon, so maybe it's not possible, but I think a horizon would add to the feeling of newness. Don't think you could have got such a beautiful shot of the sun coming out of the clouds on a horizon though, so it's a toss up. I like your photo. Great job and good luck in the challenge.
A new day
08/16/2002 02:55:00 PM
A new day
by skyline

Comment by paganini:
Actually, an old day, this isn't a sunrise or dawn...
A new day
08/16/2002 10:43:00 AM
A new day
by skyline

Comment by Gracious:
Because the sun is high in the sky it doesn't really say "new" to me. Looks to be about 11 or 12 o'clock. But I guess if you just woke up it would be a new day....so I guess I can't say it's not new. I think this could be a more interesting shot of this beautiful sky with an increase in brightness and contrast and to point the camera higher to eliminate the dark distractions at the bottom. I think you are well on your way to a good shot here. Great colors.
A new day
08/15/2002 11:27:00 PM
A new day
by skyline

Comment by cq107:
This photo would have worked better if you would have cropped out the houses
A new day
08/15/2002 06:38:00 PM
A new day
by skyline

Comment by GlasMenagerie:
Love the sky. I'd have cropped it a bit more to take out the building s and power lines; I often have the same dilemma when faced with a beautiful cloud formation matched with an inopportune skyline.
A new day
08/15/2002 04:35:00 PM
A new day
by skyline

Comment by justine:
I like this, but the bottom [Telephone pole etc] is a distraction, could of cut that out.
Still it's nice a good capture. Score-6 Kee
A new day
08/15/2002 01:45:00 PM
A new day
by skyline

Comment by KarenB:
bbeautifull - but without the house tops.
A new day
08/15/2002 11:49:00 AM
A new day
by skyline

Comment by goodtimecharlee:
bump up the saturation and crop out the rooftops would be my only suggestion. nice shot
A new day
08/15/2002 08:44:00 AM
A new day
by skyline

Comment by jsabbarton:
This would have been a great shot had the sun been much lower in the sky (I think); just peeping over the roof perhaps. It looks too much like deliberate over exposure to create the atmosphere, rather than naturalâ€Â¦ Good shot, good ideaâ€Â¦
A new day
08/15/2002 07:34:00 AM
A new day
by skyline

Comment by floyd:
Lovely sky. Less lovely telegraph pole.
Showing 31 - 40 of ~86

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