amazing, unbelievable...extraordinary !by
dknaepsComment by hughletheren: Hello Dirk from the Critique Club,
Wall as a backdrop to sandalled feet propped up providing the main subject. Hmm, the off centre positioning adds a bit of interest and the legs provide depth but maybe this is an occasion where symmetry might have been beneficial.
The depth of field is good, right from the knees to the wall.
Full range from black to white, with some detail in the shadows and only a little loss of detail in the highlights. Shot fast enough to freeze any camera movement, giving a solid image. Probably best in B & W.
Maybe your intentions were a little too subtle for your audience - the "extraordinary" was clearly in your mind but you failed to convey it to most of your audience.
I'm not sure what this was about - completing the photographer's comments box would help the critiquer! Not really my cup of tea but keep submitting, your B& W style shown here would benefit a more striking subject.
(Username hughletheren)
Any comments or reactions, feel free to contact me.