coming or goingby
JEFFCOWLESComment by Konador: First of all I think this is a stretch on the illusions challenge, altho I think I can see where you're coming from (har har). My eyes are first drawn to the head of the fish, as it is the biggest darkest part of the photo, but the fish's body leads me off into the top right corner, where there is nothing. I find this a bit distracting. You have got the fish dead centre in the frame, which isn't normally a good thing to do, composition-wise. I think maybe if you'd angled (har har) the fish so that it wasn't dead straight it would improve it in this sense.
I think for the most part the background is average. It isnt really interesting, like a piece of coral or something would be, but it's also not too busy to distract from the fish. I'm not really a fan of the specks of algae on the glass though, I think it just adds unnesseccary business to the photo. I also think it would look better with only the green plant, and not that part of black piping on the left, which stands out a lot, because it is dark like the fish. The DOF however is quite good as it isnt TOO distracting.
Technially this photo seems to be good. I can't see any over exposed areas, and all the the fish is in good focus. I think if you got closer to the fish, or lighted it from a different direction, it would improve the texture on it.
Overall I think the photo is average. To improve it, I would experiment with different angles (har har) and try some more dramatic lighting and a better background, to make it look less like a snapshot through a fishtank.