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Comments Received by whobee
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Trauma !
08/26/2002 09:18:00 AM
Trauma !
by whobee

Comment by marcvg:
Pity the ears and foot got cut off.
Trauma !
08/26/2002 07:37:00 AM
Trauma !
by whobee

Comment by justine:
Very nice....love everything......just ........well ya cut his ears off. OVer all well done. Score 6 Kee
11/24/2002 09:24:00 PM
by whobee

Comment by karmat:
(1) COMPOSITION -CONTENT - The composition of this is very good and compelling to the viewer; it is probably the strongest aspect of the picture. First, the red contrasts with the blues, and that is almost always a pleasing color combination. Secondly, the red pencil lead draws attention, then the pencil helps to pull the eyes back and up, giving a sense of movement to the picture. A couple of ideas -- did you try having the blue pencils lying in a "pattern" so that it looked more consistent, rather than just random. This may have helped pull the eyes even more. Also, if the leads were "touching" (obviously they couldn't because of the glass), it may have given an even stronger "illusion" feeling. Finally, I think a tighter crop would help eliminate soem of the bright foreground. Maybe even let the pencils overflow out of the frame some.

(2) BACKGROUND - The "background" of this picture is actually "the underground!" Having the red pencil "floating" is a very nice effect. Also, the blue pencils being blurry actually causes the eyes to focus on the red pencil, so in this instance, it adds to the overall effect of the pencil.

(3) CAMERA WORK -TECHNICAL - I am glad to read this process, and I am going to try it in the future! I am assuming you were using a shutter priority mode since the aperture says auto. If this is the case, you may have had as much depth of field as possible. I think if more of the red pencil could have been in focus, it would have been more effective. Maybe backing away and using the zoom, instead of a macro type setting. Also, the front of the pencil is a overexposed, as is the front of the frame, detracting some from the overall effect. Using a softer light, (shining through a light cloth, but be careful, don't sit it on fire) or bouncing it off of a white wall (or cover a piece of cardboard with aluminum foil to use as a reflector) will sometiems help to take the edge off. Since you were using an 8 second exposure, less light may have worked okay.

(4) DIGITAL PROCESSING - TECHNICAL - The color is very good in this, and having had two sonys, you receive an extra thumbs up for keeping the red "normal," since Sony reds seem to be whacky sometimes. It is not oversharpened, and the white balance is good.

(5) YOUR OPINION ON THE PHOTO - Overall, I really like this picture. The first time I judged it, I only gave it a four. However, at second and closer glances, I probably should have given it a 6. The exposure and focus issues mentioned earlier prevent me from scoring it higher than that. Overall, it is a very neat effect, adn one I look forward to trying.

08/26/2002 06:56:00 PM
by whobee

Comment by whobee:
Thanks for the great comments...

Some of you ask how I did this... so here goes.

First, the red pencil was laid on a 10mm sheet of tempered glass above the blue pencils. The glass had a slight blue hue to it, giving the image the blueish gradient.

Second, to give the blue pencils a faded effect, I varied the exposure across the length of the pencils by creating a "shutter" with a sheet of paper. After releasing the camera shutter, I would quickly remove the sheet of paper... quite tricky when dealing with a max. shutter speed of 1/8!
08/25/2002 10:10:00 PM
by whobee

Comment by HBunch:
I understand how this was done, but I have to wonder if you did the washed out background on purpose. I was thinking that it may have been done on purpose to emphasize how the red one stands out so much from the others making it the "black sheep". You have a different twist on it by sharpening it with a knife rather than a pencil sharpener, puts some originality in the photo. great job and good luck in the challenge.
08/25/2002 05:32:00 PM
by whobee

Comment by pauld:
Tricky fade out of the pencils in the background. How was that done?
08/24/2002 04:36:00 PM
by whobee

Comment by dmac:
Nice effect.
08/23/2002 09:27:00 AM
by whobee

Comment by Kavey:
I just LOVE this. There is such a strange milky quality to the pencils in blue, and the photo is just incredible. Spot editting (I know not allowed on DPC) would allow you to remove the tiny spot near the red pencil lead (you have probably done that already on a different version, I'd bet!).
I would really like to see a HOW DID THEY DO THAT? tutorial on this photograph.
Joint favourite this week.
10, Kavey
08/23/2002 02:23:00 AM
by whobee

Comment by nborton:
one of my favorites in this challenge, based just on the bold unusual look
08/22/2002 04:54:00 PM
by whobee

Comment by MaYz:
nicely done. I really like that effect that makes the red pencil look like it's flying.
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