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Comments Received by saurabhs
Showing 11 - 20 of ~35
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[ an old precedent behind everything new ]
01/30/2005 12:03:39 PM
Photographer found comment helpful.
The impossible love of a god for a nymph: Apollo and Daphne revisited
01/29/2005 01:58:15 AM
Photographer found comment helpful.
[ an old precedent behind everything new ]
01/28/2005 10:59:21 AM
Photographer found comment helpful.
[ an old precedent behind everything new ]
01/27/2005 02:49:12 AM
[ an old precedent behind everything new ]
by saurabhs

Comment by MichaelC:
This is really 'in your face' - I love it
Photographer found comment helpful.
[ an old precedent behind everything new ]
01/26/2005 11:16:16 AM
[ an old precedent behind everything new ]
by saurabhs

Comment by sabphoto:
how true...I like how you didn't just shoot one and leave it at that...this adds more to it. Good luck
Photographer found comment helpful.
The impossible love of a god for a nymph: Apollo and Daphne revisited
01/25/2005 09:50:11 PM
The impossible love of a god for a nymph: Apollo and Daphne revisited
by saurabhs

Comment by GolferDDS:
Interesting. You actually have 4 faceless subjects here. Nicely composed. Well done.
Photographer found comment helpful.
The impossible love of a god for a nymph: Apollo and Daphne revisited
01/25/2005 05:21:37 AM
[ legacy of an era gone by... ]
01/24/2005 01:44:52 AM
[ legacy of an era gone by... ]
by saurabhs

Comment by Rgarcia:
This was one of my favorites for this challenge. I thought it would be at least within the top 10. Congratulations.
[ legacy of an era gone by... ]
01/24/2005 01:20:02 AM
[ legacy of an era gone by... ]
by saurabhs

Comment by saurabhs:
I took a bunch of these and preferred this one because of the colors in the background. Did realize that only the composition and framing we decent but then again could resist submitting just for the comments. I guess something like //www.dpchallenge.com/image.php?IMAGE_ID=138406 would be better received (or maybe the completely silhouetted version).

Message edited by author 2005-01-24 03:06:31.
[ legacy of an era gone by... ]
01/23/2005 08:31:14 PM
[ legacy of an era gone by... ]
by saurabhs

Comment by Gauti:
Nice framing. Good comp. /8
Photographer found comment helpful.
Showing 11 - 20 of ~35

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