Child in Tulipsby
Photogirl_in_VancouverComment by kari1: ::: Critique Club :::
Hi, my name is Kari and from the critique club.
Interesting to do a critique on your image but it is difficult if you don't give us any information in your photographers comments. When we do a critique, we go past just the photographic result, that's what voters comments do. The critique looks at what you were trying to achieve, how you wanted it to look and what issues you had in getting the image captured and ready for voting.
First Impression - the most important one:
I think she got the cute vote in screeds. Great top 50 entry for this difficult challenges.
I didn't notice the other person till I read the comments ... I have no idea how I missed him .. must by the excellent DOF (hehe).
Her face is really very centred in the picture .. and you could try other crops that may have helped with removing this ... either cropping the pic more on the left removing the boy and leaving more on the right. Problem with my comments is that I have to guess what you have done as you have not included comments.
Really meets the challenge in the most lovely way.
Technical (Colour and light):
I love the colours in this shot, the DOF is really good and the sharpness is lovely.
To grow its vote?:
Try recropping without the spare head ... look at the rule of thirds .. notwithstanding every other rule .. there are so many ... but this is great and as your highest scoring I hope you had a bloody nice drink after the voting finished.
Well done ... this is a shot to be truely proud of.
If you've got any questions about this critique, please feel free to contact me via the PM system.