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Registered Userpeanutbutterguitar

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Comments Received by peanutbutterguitar
Showing 1 - 10 of ~54
Image Comment
Sheesh, this is my bad side!
01/16/2006 06:25:01 AM
Photographer found comment helpful.
Sheesh, this is my bad side!
01/13/2006 07:33:02 PM
Photographer found comment helpful.
Sheesh, this is my bad side!
01/11/2006 07:31:20 PM
Sheesh, this is my bad side!
by peanutbutterguitar

Comment by Melethia:
Nice "studio portrait" :-)
Photographer found comment helpful.
Do you suck them very slowly?
01/10/2006 11:27:21 PM
Photographer found comment helpful.
Do you suck them very slowly?
01/09/2006 07:53:47 PM
Do you suck them very slowly?
by peanutbutterguitar

Comment by LaMerry:
Sure I do... hahaha, nice title! Wee colors!
Photographer found comment helpful.
Do you suck them very slowly?
01/08/2006 07:56:37 PM
Photographer found comment helpful.
Here's Grampa!
01/07/2006 11:55:19 AM
Here's Grampa!
by peanutbutterguitar

Comment by sfalice:
Greetings from the Critique Club

I always enjoy action shots because they are sometimes so difficult to get. You have good color and excellent composition in this shot. I really like how the subject matter fills the frame with no extraneous material to get in the way.

This image certainly fits the challenge, but didn't get a really great score.

The one thing I would suggest is to make something in your image tack-sharp. As it is, everything is just a bit fuzzy. The motion blur on grandpa's legs works perfectly, but the sled and/or the snow should be really sharp. One way to accomplish this - with that nice camera of yours - is to shoot in burst mode; one or more of the resulting images is likely to be sharp. (at least it works for me.LOL)Another way to try for sharpness is to bracket your shots.

You have a good sense of composition in this and your other shots. A little more practice, and you'll be up there with the best of 'em.

Do you suck them very slowly?
01/07/2006 01:48:10 AM
Do you suck them very slowly?
by peanutbutterguitar

Comment by sherpet:
Crisp, bold and yummy.....
Photographer found comment helpful.
Do you suck them very slowly?
01/06/2006 08:01:23 PM
Do you suck them very slowly?
by peanutbutterguitar

Comment by rachelellen:
It's the colors more than the shapes that stand out to me here. The colors ARE great, but I'm not sure how I like the mirror image concept.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Do you suck them very slowly?
01/06/2006 03:09:47 PM
Do you suck them very slowly?
by peanutbutterguitar

Comment by typologic:
Or crunch them very fast? I get the feeling you're Canadian :)
Love the colours. Could use some more DOF.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Showing 1 - 10 of ~54

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