sewkewlComment by jpochard: Hello from the Critique Club!
I think this was a great idea for the challenge. I also think that a little more attention to set up and details might have made this more appealing.
For what it's worth, here are the things I think I would have considered doing differently.
In this instance, I think simple is best. The large sign, the pattern of whatever that is behind the sink, the dirtiness of the sink and clogs, and the out of focus foreground all seem to distract from the message of the pun in the photo. I would concentrate more on shooting at a different angle...perhaps more straight down toward the bowl of the sink to avoid the front lip and the background as much. It would help if the shoes had some color, but since they don't, I might think about changing this photo to a black and white shot.
A smaller sign, some clean up of the shoes and sink and a bit of shine on the faucet would bring more eye appeal and clean lines to the shot I think.
I think it was a great idea, and to me that's the hardest part to get right! I hope this is helpful.