DPChallenge: A Digital Photography Contest You are not logged in. (log in or register
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Registered Userlizarabjad

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Comments Received by lizarabjad
Showing 1 - 10 of ~30
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oops, dropped my cup and a photographer happened to capture it using a strobe flash.
01/31/2006 09:30:31 PM
oops, dropped my cup and a photographer happened to capture it using a strobe flash.
01/31/2006 10:29:51 AM
oops, dropped my cup and a photographer happened to capture it using a strobe flash.
01/29/2006 07:56:38 AM
oops, dropped my cup and a photographer happened to capture it using a strobe flash.
01/28/2006 09:59:51 AM
oops, dropped my cup and a photographer happened to capture it using a strobe flash.
by lizarabjad

Comment by AzCKelly:
fantastic capture, love the lines and shadows. Well done.
oops, dropped my cup and a photographer happened to capture it using a strobe flash.
01/27/2006 11:00:31 PM
oops, dropped my cup and a photographer happened to capture it using a strobe flash.
by lizarabjad

Comment by Melethia:
Fascinating capture. Not sure to whom the tribute is. Wait - it's Dr Edgerton?
oops, dropped my cup and a photographer happened to capture it using a strobe flash.
01/26/2006 04:25:45 PM
oops, dropped my cup and a photographer happened to capture it using a strobe flash.
by lizarabjad

Comment by graphicfunk:
Very interesting capture. Bounced light would have made this even better. However, the compostion is nice and the color is very inviting. Bumping up.
oops, dropped my cup and a photographer happened to capture it using a strobe flash.
01/26/2006 12:49:41 PM
oops, dropped my cup and a photographer happened to capture it using a strobe flash.
01/26/2006 03:31:55 AM
oops, dropped my cup and a photographer happened to capture it using a strobe flash.
01/26/2006 03:25:57 AM
oops, dropped my cup and a photographer happened to capture it using a strobe flash.
by lizarabjad

Comment by kiwinick:
is this Eggerton, its the only one without a Title that I can recognise the others got 1 you 9
oops, dropped my cup and a photographer happened to capture it using a strobe flash.
01/25/2006 12:51:40 PM
oops, dropped my cup and a photographer happened to capture it using a strobe flash.
by lizarabjad

Comment by Dr.Confuser:
Part of the fun of the challenge is comparing the photos to the work of the photographers they're paying tribute to. I can't figure out who that would be in this case unless it's Edgerton. Would that be right? I would prefer to see the image without the border ... it is the image that is interesting but almost a quarter of the frame is consumed with the border which adds no interest for me.
Showing 1 - 10 of ~30

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