Blue Moon 2009by
bstarComment by snaffles: Greetings from the Critique Club!
Not a bad attempt, especially for your first ever challenge entry. I can see what you want to do with this shot, but you need to do a little work. First, you know the moon is in motion, so don't focus on it - focus on the tree branches. Next, use a tripod. They are invaluable for shots like this. I shoot handheld 98% of the time but still have a tripod handy esp for night and studio work.
You're on the right path, though, with the aperture closed way down. Now, put your camera on a tripod, focus on the tree (if need be bring a flashlight so you can shine it on the tree and focus accordingly). Then slow your shutter down to, say, 5 seconds for starters at your lowest possible ISO. Then see what you've got and go from there.
Composition is very centred, which doesn't really hurt a shot like this. But play around a little, get to know the basics of composition, and go from there.
Overall, a good try, just pay more attention to the technicals. And feel free to look at the stuff I entered in my first year (or two) here - I'm sure you'll get a good chuckle out of them! :-)
Feel free to PM me with any questions,