Ligths in the cityby
armandusComment by BMacD: Hi! Here̢۪s a comment from the Critique Club.
Note: I commented on this picture during the voting. By luck, I drew your picture as part of the Critique Club! So here goes, a little more feedback.
First impression: Too small! Nice picture, but too small! I like the leading lines and the colours. Your eye follows the light lines from left to right up through the picture, into the sky at the two flared street lights, and then you notice the guard rail in the lower right corner. Nice composition.
In terms of technical and post processing comments, you have made my job tough!
I can only guess that at f22 your DOF would have been excellent. Since you didn̢۪t give any post processing comments, I can̢۪t comment on what you did, even if I could see the detail. :-)
As mentioned numerous times in the previous comments, refer to tutorial at // Your file was only 160x240 and 42k.
I̢۪m positive you would have scored much higher with this entry if it was closer to the 150k file size.