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Ligths in the city
Ligths in the city

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: City Life II (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Canon EOS-300D Rebel
Location: Mexico
Date: Jan 2, 2006
Aperture: 22
ISO: 100
Shutter: 8
Galleries: Cityscape
Date Uploaded: Jan 3, 2006


Place: 164 out of 173
Avg (all users): 3.9299
Avg (commenters): 3.3889
Avg (participants): 3.3718
Avg (non-participants): 4.0785
Views since voting: 835
Views during voting: 483
Votes: 371
Comments: 38
Favorites: 0

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01/13/2006 03:42:11 PM
Hi! Here̢۪s a comment from the Critique Club.

Note: I commented on this picture during the voting. By luck, I drew your picture as part of the Critique Club! So here goes, a little more feedback.

First impression: Too small! Nice picture, but too small! I like the leading lines and the colours. Your eye follows the light lines from left to right up through the picture, into the sky at the two flared street lights, and then you notice the guard rail in the lower right corner. Nice composition.

In terms of technical and post processing comments, you have made my job tough!
I can only guess that at f22 your DOF would have been excellent. Since you didn̢۪t give any post processing comments, I can̢۪t comment on what you did, even if I could see the detail. :-)

As mentioned numerous times in the previous comments, refer to tutorial at //www.dpchallenge.com/tutorial.php?TUTORIAL_ID=26. Your file was only 160x240 and 42k.

I̢۪m positive you would have scored much higher with this entry if it was closer to the 150k file size.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
01/10/2006 08:59:53 PM
please submit in a larger format... who can tell how good this is in this size?
01/10/2006 06:49:39 PM
Nice but marks down for being too small to really get a good look at.
01/10/2006 04:42:53 PM
great shot. too tiny.
01/10/2006 04:02:22 PM
Nice shot, too bad it's so small. Refer to tutorials on downloading files.
01/10/2006 12:43:46 PM
Very well done, but i can't see detail
01/10/2006 11:57:39 AM
Image a little on the small size.
01/10/2006 12:12:37 AM
You need to figure out how to submit your photos at a full 640 size. Check the tutorial on the subject.
01/09/2006 08:35:57 PM
be prepared to read comments that this photo is too small.
01/09/2006 01:46:31 AM
Bigger! This would be beautiful, and score well...if it were larger.
01/08/2006 11:40:48 PM
You've probably gotten comments like this, but I'll say it again--it looks like a good shot, but it's WAY too small. Always re-size to 640 pixels on the longest axis (in this case the vertical axis).
01/08/2006 10:19:12 PM
This is too small - use the maximum size allowed if you can - 640px, and let us see the details in this cool long-exposure night pic!
01/08/2006 12:53:52 AM
It looks like a pretty good photo - a nice strong leading line. Why make it so small though? DPChallenge allows anything up to 640x640 so always try to have either hieght or width (or both) around that limit. It's normally better to reduce the JPEG quality if you need to get back under 150KB.
01/07/2006 11:19:48 AM
This would look so much better if the image was a little bigger - Still great!
01/07/2006 06:23:15 AM

Message edited by author 2006-08-17 12:40:28.
01/06/2006 08:36:34 PM
So narrowly cropped that it seems too restrictive, not much 'city' visible
01/06/2006 08:31:43 PM
The image is way too small to effectively judge.
01/06/2006 07:44:19 PM
Too small. Check out the tutorials on how to post images. Use all the size you are allowed.
01/06/2006 07:18:17 PM
I think this pic would have scored real high, but it is way too small.
01/06/2006 03:38:01 PM
The picture is very small and it's hard to make any judgements about quality
01/06/2006 01:14:44 PM
I really like this photo alot! The size could be a bit larger to show more detail though.
01/06/2006 05:01:32 AM
Could be a great shot, it is too small I think (5)
01/06/2006 01:15:36 AM
very small.... to avoid resizing to meet the size requirement.... just upload the original to your portfolio, right click and save as a new file... then reload that new file
01/05/2006 09:55:35 PM
You've probably got a million of these comments, but your photo is too small to rate.
01/05/2006 09:25:58 PM
This is really too small.
01/05/2006 03:23:26 PM
You will lose points for such a small picture.
01/05/2006 02:11:06 PM
Try to get the long side of your photo as close to 640 pixels as you can. You will lose points for submitting such a small picture because it is hard to see any detail..
01/04/2006 08:32:14 PM
Too small to see any detail.
01/04/2006 06:06:43 PM
Egads this is too small. It's too bad because it looks like it might be a fun blur of traffic lights. Please take advantage of the 640 pixel max next time.
It is too hard to evaluate such a small shot.
01/04/2006 03:48:39 PM
nice idea i just wish it was bigger. it seems a bit grainy and the green cast to the image isnt doing it any favors
01/04/2006 03:00:19 PM
Too small to vote very high
01/04/2006 11:27:28 AM
Nice capture, Would be nice to see it with at least 640px high to see all the details
01/04/2006 09:31:11 AM
Pic is sized incorrectly. 3
01/04/2006 09:24:23 AM
I'm sure you'll get this comment a lot - but I wish I could see this bigger.

I always enjoy this zooming light effect, and it looks like you had a good perspective on it too.
01/04/2006 08:54:35 AM
What is a Ligth? Never heard of that before. Pic is very small and without the title has no connection to City Life at all.
01/04/2006 07:16:58 AM
Nice job on the time exposure, I love night shots. Unfortunately, your image is pretty small. You should try to make it as big as possible for these challenges, as people prefer that. 640 pixels is allowed. I suggest you take a peek at the "Learn" section of this website, there you'll find a tutorial called "A Quick Visual Guide to Resampling". It'll give you a better idea of what I'm talking about. Keep it up. Cheers.
01/04/2006 01:37:30 AM
This is a really small picture, and doe to that it loses its impact hugely.
01/04/2006 12:51:26 AM
Give me more image to look at. I'm disappointed that I can't make out much...

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