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Registered Userchucksinnc

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Comments Received by chucksinnc
Showing 21 - 30 of ~54
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Urban Waterfall
11/10/2005 08:46:35 PM
Urban Waterfall
by chucksinnc

Comment by ladyhawk22:
Interesting interpretation. Detail on the water tower looks clear and lighting looks good. I would either crop out the tree on the right, or try to include more of it in the photo.
Urban Waterfall
11/09/2005 01:10:54 PM
Urban Waterfall
by chucksinnc

Comment by Tammer:
My favorite part is the tower itself. The tree on the right hand side just seems to be floating there. I wonder how it would look if completely cropped out or if you were able to show more of it, creating a frame for your shot.
Urban Waterfall
11/09/2005 11:08:10 AM
Urban Waterfall
by chucksinnc

Comment by alexgarcia:
I'm not sure about this photo as a landscape...
Minimalist Morning
11/08/2005 09:41:06 AM
Minimalist Morning
by chucksinnc

Comment by CEJ:
Hello from the Critique Club!

I have studied your image and have the following to offer:

Composition/perspective - the application of the rule of thirds is done quite nicely here. The ratio between subject and negative space could be a little different. The negative space is good, but the subject is just a bit small for the amount. A different crop would have been nice and I don't think it would have hurt the image. it also would have removed the blue tint on that side of the image and in the cornerson that side. The shadow is already cut off which is ok, less of it would have been ok as well. Your angle to the subject is very good. Seeing just the showerhead and not its mount to the wall is a very nice effect. Without the shadow it would appear floating in space which would have been ok. But as is works as well. Your subject is stronger for not being balanced - as in keeping the same relative angle, but in better alignment so as to see the housing equally. The focus is crisp and well done. I think this area is the strongest part of the mage.

Color - in light on white I would not expect to see a lot of color. However, your control of the white is fairly good. The shadow is not so strong so as to become a distraction and the dark and light areas on the face allow for a nice contrast without being overbearing. The small spot of red

Lighting - lighting here appears to be lit from one side only. There are no flares or glares which is good. All areas appear to be evenly lit which helps the composition greatly. The right side of the subject starts to get a bit bright, but all the detail is still present.

Challenge requirements - this meets the requirements quite well. The background has a slight blue tinit to it that may have been corrected in processing, but it is not so strong that it becomes a negative. Perhaps a bounced light on the wall would have helped keep it all white or a stronger white.

Overall/my opinion - this is an interesting composition that technically is very well done. slightly different lighting may have helped as it would have eliminated the blue tint seen in the edges and corners. For a minimalistic image there really is more to grab your attention that a quick glance will not allow to be seen. I think it would have been much stronger with a slightly different crop and a little better lighting on the background.
a birthday wish
11/03/2005 07:20:27 AM
a birthday wish
by chucksinnc

Comment by bobdaveant:
I was one of your 10 votes, I love this picture.
a birthday wish
11/03/2005 06:38:49 AM
a birthday wish
by chucksinnc

Comment by RiderGal:
*Critique Club*

First of all does it meet the challenge? YES I like your nice light application of grain. It adds to the fact that she is an old dog (although 8 isn't that old for a small dog) and it looks like one of those pictures you would find on a greeting card!!

Now let's get specific...

Composition wise, you did a beautiful job... perfect use of rule of thirds with both the dog and the ball. You can almost see the tension between the two objects... it's kind of funny.

Really nice lighting... you found (or made) some nice lighting, and you don't have any blow out, and the face is so well exposed!!

The image itself is very well done... nice use of shallow depth of field... you've got the dog knowing it's her birthday dreaming about the ball... and the ball just right there... come on let's play!! I love it. Doing this in sepia made it kind of dreamy looking and fun.

Your focus on the face is just superb and her eyes seem almost alive... starying at you from the photo. I love the little fur on the ears that you can really see... The photo just has a dynamic to it... lik you could easily picture the dog jumping and and ready to play which is really nice.

I love your use of sepia... I think it's really great...

Overall I think that this is a beautiful picture, that you will probably cherish for some time to come. I feel you didn't do aw well as you deserved to in the challenge because you didn't have enough grain for some people to see... I would suggest maybe offering this up to a stock image company... they might be interested. Good luck and nicely done!!

Minimalist Morning
11/01/2005 08:43:07 PM
Minimalist Morning
by chucksinnc

Comment by philup:
Very nice job..
a birthday wish
10/30/2005 10:17:38 PM
a birthday wish
by chucksinnc

Comment by Evaan:
What a sweetheart. Like the intensity you captured. Cool shot.
Minimalist Morning
10/30/2005 08:07:51 PM
Minimalist Morning
by chucksinnc

Comment by Marjo:
Nice minimalistic capture with great clarity and detail. I like the shadow included. I'm seeing lots of sensor dust and the overall cast is an odd color, not white.
a birthday wish
10/30/2005 12:38:00 PM
a birthday wish
by chucksinnc

Comment by Car54:
Wonderful capture and DOF--great in monochrome
Showing 21 - 30 of ~54

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