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Registered Userjgillard

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Comments Received by jgillard
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Waldo is sick and tired of being found...
02/14/2003 07:57:09 AM
Waldo is sick and tired of being found...
by jgillard

Comment by Harz_Joerg:
LOL! Addresses the challenge-topic and it's quality well. Of course it's more a snap-shot, so technically not too much to write about it. I will still give it good marks because it captures well my thoughts about this "Waldo"-challenge to which I didn't submit.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Waldo is sick and tired of being found...
02/14/2003 12:12:02 AM
Waldo is sick and tired of being found...
by jgillard

Comment by PTLParsons:
Won't get it in my book. I know you havae more imagination than this. You did a better job of hiding the bottle than yourself. Good sharp photo, if it was only what they were asking for. Now, go out and get that shot.
Waldo is sick and tired of being found...
02/12/2003 10:06:39 PM
Waldo is sick and tired of being found...
by jgillard

Comment by Lustre:
I understand your title but it really doesn't meet the criteria of the challenge. Technically the shot is ok, but not exciting to look at.
Floral Arrangement
02/12/2003 01:05:29 AM
Floral Arrangement
by jgillard

Comment by kandyj:
Critique Club:

Meeting the Challenge: Does this well being a flower arrangement.

Composition: As noted below the main flaw of this photograph is what the vase is sitting on. A nice beige table cloth that may have blended in with the background or the pot resting on a little plain stool with the sky in the background might have done a lot for this photo. Yes, and taking out the card holder would have helped too. Looks like this was a bit of a rushed photo (something I'm guilty of every week!). Also, I think I would have left a bit more space in front of the vase to give it an "anchor" in the photo. Having the focal point in the center is a bit boring and photographing the arrangement with another item and taking it to one side or another might have improved composition.

Technical Quality: The colors are nice and clear. A more dramatic lighting situation might have made this photo more interesting and brought out more textures in the flowers. No major post-processing issues noticed. All the flowers and vase seem to be in focus.

Creativity: Well, not much of a wow factor here, even though the challenge was cliches, I expected some creativity to get the "best shot" of familiar subjects, which this photo lacks somewhat.

Overal Conclusion: A fair photograph that could have been greatly improved with a little more patience, better background and composition, creativity and lighting changes.

Good luck in future challenges, if you have questions about this critique, feel free to email me.

Waldo is sick and tired of being found...
02/12/2003 12:53:39 AM
Photographer found comment helpful.
Waldo is sick and tired of being found...
02/11/2003 04:32:14 PM
Waldo is sick and tired of being found...
by jgillard

Comment by Swashbuckler:
Har d har har.....Whats with the green mesh around the beer?? Except for the humor factor, not alot of interest going on. (Maybe Waldo's box needs a hole to feed the beer through? or a face drawn on the box???) 6 Swash
Photographer found comment helpful.
Waldo is sick and tired of being found...
02/11/2003 06:02:08 AM
Waldo is sick and tired of being found...
by jgillard

Comment by kiwiness:
This is so funny! Great idea, 7 from me....
Photographer found comment helpful.
Waldo is sick and tired of being found...
02/10/2003 04:05:52 PM
Waldo is sick and tired of being found...
02/10/2003 12:11:56 PM
Waldo is sick and tired of being found...
by jgillard

Comment by albright1:
This screams snapshot. The thing on the wall behind Waldo's head is distracting, adding to the overall hasty quality of this photo.
Waldo is sick and tired of being found...
02/10/2003 09:51:10 AM
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