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Registered UserMRozzen

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Comments Received by MRozzen
Showing 1 - 7 of ~7
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Neptune's Net
03/06/2006 02:38:23 AM
Neptune's Net
by MRozzen

Comment by HBunch:
*Critique Club*

Well, you submitted, and ran. Haven't even logged on to check your comments, which leads me to believe you don't really care, so not sure why you'd ask me to spend my time writing this...but here goes.
Per your request, here is your in depth critique from the Critique Club.
Without any photographer's comments, my critique can be based only on personal opinion since I have no clue what your intentions were for this photo.
First off, the sucject doesn't appeal to me much at all. Not sure what you saw in this scene, but to me, it looks busy and cluttered with the power lines and poles.
The use of duotones doesn't add to this photo or the interest of this photo. It seriously lacks visual appeal. And without the color, it makes it even more dull.
Focus looks alright on the sign. Were the flowers suposed to add to the image or were they just in the way? It looks to me that they were just in the way, since they aren't really framing the subject in an interesting way.
The photo overall seems too grey. Some contrast would have helped some. There are no whites in the photo, which leaves the photo flat.
Overall, I feel that this photo was thrown in here for no reason at all, and the score reflects the effort put into this submission.
Sorry if I missed something.
Neptune's Net
02/23/2006 09:52:13 AM
Neptune's Net
by MRozzen

Comment by mpeters:
Picture just needs a few less distrating elements. Mainly the phone poles and wires.
Neptune's Net
02/23/2006 09:45:03 AM
Neptune's Net
by MRozzen

Comment by persimon:
I love the birds of paradise arounf the sign. THe power lines are a bit distracting.
Neptune's Net
02/23/2006 02:38:25 AM
Neptune's Net
by MRozzen

Comment by Majanka:
What was the idea of this picture?
Neptune's Net
02/22/2006 09:31:14 PM
Neptune's Net
by MRozzen

Comment by BakerBug:
A different angle might have been better. The street and power lines make for a poor background.
Neptune's Net
02/22/2006 05:58:24 PM
Neptune's Net
by MRozzen

Comment by jfwolpert:
needs some lighting
Neptune's Net
02/22/2006 10:56:39 AM
Neptune's Net
by MRozzen

Comment by carpents:
Telephone wires? Not very attractive.
Showing 1 - 7 of ~7

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