Smokin' Dewaltby
RegencyRiggsComment by Ann: Welcome to DPC, Will!
It's not a bad shot, but from the DPC perspective, it suffers from a couple of things...
* It's too complicated. You only have 640 pixels to work with, and voters only look at an image for 2 seconds before voting. Anything complicated will get whacked in voting. You have to create an image that says what you're trying to say in really simple terms, with nothing else to take the viewer's attention. The kinds of things that work as large, detailed prints often don't work at DPC.
* Subject. It looks like your subject is a "no smoking" sign, because the sign is the best lit part of the shot. A more interesting subject will get more interesting votes.
* Lighting, clarity, sharpness, etc. General technicals are okay, but nothing special.
* Meeting the challenge. I may be wrong, but it *appears* that there's more than one light source lighting things in the shot. It doesn't really matter if you're actually meeting the challenge. It's all about appearances. If the voters think you're not meeting the challenge, you'll get beat up, especially if there's any other problems with the photo.
Hope this helps.