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Comment |
| 01/21/2013 06:31:33 AM |
| 01/20/2013 10:45:19 AM |
| 06/12/2012 02:05:47 PM |
a girl with sunflowersby silverfoxxComment by CRe8n4u: Magnificent work. Your image and story have touched my heart. Almost 1 year ago I lost a kitty, his name was Blue. He was an indoor kitty, but while he was sick I began to let him out in our backyard (supervised), he loved sitting by our pond, so the months leading to that sad day, this is what we enjoyed. On the day that he died, I new he wasn't doing well and that I would lose him that day. So I brought him, in his little bed, out by our pond, I talked to him to reassure him I was there and that I loved him. Although I'm sure he knew I loved him, once he passed away that day, I kept wondering and hoping that he knew i was there with him. The next day I recalled a bird, that had landed within arms reach of Blue and I. This bird was screaming and chirping up a storm, at Blue and I, my husband asked if I wanted him to chase the bird away, but I looked and Blue and his ears were moving to the sounds of that Blue bird and I told my husband no Blue's listening to him. So remembering this, is when it hit me, if he could hear that bird then I know he heard me and it's a moment I will never forget. I'm greatful for that little Blue bird, for helping connect that missing link.
Sorry for the loss of your kitty.
Hugs |
| 03/21/2011 06:56:34 PM |
| 09/22/2010 01:41:50 AM |
| 09/22/2010 01:40:17 AM |
ahby silverfoxxComment by tanguera: Amazing. I'm trying to figure out the lighting here. It is exquisite and haunting. One soft box low camera right, an overhead, and one for the bg? I just started a studio lighting class and I'm fascinated by this image. |
| 09/22/2010 01:19:49 AM |
baby Etna, all grown-upby silverfoxxComment by tanguera: Stunning. You're my hero because this is exactly the sort of images I am drawn to capture. Dark, with just a hint of subject - enough to fire the imagination. Beautifully done. |
| 05/30/2010 10:19:39 PM |
| 05/20/2010 04:11:19 PM |
| 05/20/2010 04:06:44 PM |
russianby silverfoxxComment by Jedusi: This is a wonderful haunting image . .
I would also really like to see it in black & white. |
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