Pool of Tranquilityby
suebenlouComment by karmat: CRITIQUE CLUB CRITIQUE
by karmat
Hello again! Glad to see you are still "playing" here at dpc!
Compositionally, the image comes across as being a bit static. What I mean by this is that the eye goes to the picture, but there really isn't anything within the frame to attract the eye, to help it move about in the image, or to compel it to stay long enough to enjoy the picture. I believe you do have a vanishing point as the ridges of the land, and the edge of the water seem to meet in one point.
I also think the grass in the foreground is good, as a way to break the frame up into different sections. In your picture, the grass is section, then the water, then the land, then the sky. What hurts it, though, I think, is that the ridges in the distance cut the frame in half horizontally, If you could have moved that up into the frame so that the grass, water and ridges divided the frame into thirds, it might have made it a bit more stable, and thus interesting. Or, since the sky is interesting and full of detail, you could have framed a second composition by cropping the grass and letting it be water, land, water.
Technically, the picture seems a bit dark or flat to me. Some of it may be my monitor, but I'm not seeing a lot of detail throughout the picture, and it seems to want to blend together, despite the obvious difference between land and water. Also, since the grass is interesting, it needs to be a bit brighter, just so it is noticed a bit more.
If I need to further explain or clarify what I have said, as always, feel free to contact me.