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Comments Received by ska120s
Showing 1 - 10 of ~38
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Tears of Innocense
05/26/2003 03:04:07 AM
Tears of Innocense
by ska120s

Comment by HBunch:
*Critique Club*
I like the look on the girls face, and the angle at which that face has been taken at. Nice dramatic visual effect there.
However, there is a lot in this image that I would like to see differently/improved upon.
First and most importantly in my opinion is the quality of the image. I'm not really sure why it looks so blotchy and pixeled (in the darker areas). Probably due to low lighting. Flash isn't always the best source of lighting, so even if you have flash available, I would try to use some kind of overhead lamp or light.
Extra lighting also does help increase sharpness and get your shot better focus. This shot lacks in sharpness, and I think that is important also. The eye is the main focus, and I think that had it been sharper, it would have a higher visual impact on the viewer.
I'm not really seeing the colors here either. The darkness COULD be purple and the skin COULD be orange, but that's stretching it A LOT. The color is definately not the main focus of the shot, and I think that for the challenge, it should be.
Because the person to the left of the photo is not adding anything TO the photo, it's probably best to crop that person out of the photo. I find the small piece that we can see to be a bit of a distraction.
I don't really know much about your camera or it's limitations, but if it's a lower end camera, I wrote a tutorial that could help you out some. It's posted in the "Learn" section at the top under "Tutorials". It's titled "Cheap enhancements for low end digital cameras".
Keep shooting!!
Tears of Innocense
05/20/2003 11:50:21 PM
Tears of Innocense
by ska120s

Comment by Bitz:
Your photo has good composition but does not meet the challenge of Secondary Colors.
Tears of Innocense
05/20/2003 02:35:39 PM
Tears of Innocense
by ska120s

Comment by paynekj:
I think it would have had more impact as a picture if the eye was in focus. I also need some explanation about how it meets the challenge. I was going to mention how spelling mistakes put me off pictures (innocense vs. innocence) but having just checked and found that innocense is a flower, that could conceivably meet the challenge, I'll accept that you are being clever.
Tears of Innocense
05/20/2003 01:36:39 PM
Tears of Innocense
by ska120s

Comment by Becky:
The angle of this photo makes the subject interesting.
Tears of Innocense
05/20/2003 10:19:33 AM
Tears of Innocense
by ska120s

Comment by eloise:
It's tight, dark, and overly, self-consciously precious, IMHO. I'd have sacrificed a little size for a bit more sharpness, and perhaps cropped away the distracting extra cheek on the left there. Well, that and added a bit more light. But that's me. :-> Also, I really don't see how this fits the challenge, particularly, so I'm leaving room ahead of this in my marks for things that made the color central.
Tears of Innocense
05/19/2003 09:09:56 PM
Tears of Innocense
05/17/2003 12:47:30 PM
Tears of Innocense
by ska120s

Comment by erin_m02:
Where's the secondary colors?
Tears of Innocense
05/16/2003 02:33:19 PM
Tears of Innocense
by ska120s

Comment by Dustin:
this picture is very dusty and i dont see how it fits in with the objective.
Tears of Innocense
05/16/2003 12:49:16 PM
Tears of Innocense
by ska120s

Comment by marbo:
Image quality let down by compression to very small file size.
Tears of Innocense
05/15/2003 05:22:13 PM
Tears of Innocense
by ska120s

Comment by jdavis:
I'm not sure I'm seeing any secondary colors
Showing 1 - 10 of ~38

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