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Registered Userjmark53

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Comments Received by jmark53
Showing 1 - 10 of ~38
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Sacred Worship
11/23/2003 08:35:30 AM
Sacred Worship
by jmark53

Comment by amsmyth:
Greetings from the Critique Club: this is an interesting approach to the challenge, and to the image itself. I am not clear as to what is being presented. The light is arresting although the black diagonal is a bit distracting. The smoke, colors, and edging of light around the figures, are all quite effective but I still find myself asking what is the intent of this. It could be any trio inviting audience response in any kind of venue not just a "sacred" one. I imagine you were after the use of incense or smoke as used in many non-traditional (or traditional) services/celebrations to reach the viewer on the emotional or spiritual level but that doesn't work for me. I am left with the feel of a staged performance and, more importantly, I am left wanting more information which is a need the image doesn't satisfy.
Sacred Worship
11/16/2003 10:57:36 PM
Sacred Worship
by jmark53

Comment by Shelley:
Very nice lighting effect. Special effects or definitly not a non-smoking crowd!!
Sacred Worship
11/16/2003 09:52:14 PM
Sacred Worship
by jmark53

Comment by Neil:
An interesting shot, What is it? My guess would have been an ordinary stage performance to me with the guitar and the red led showing in the background. (Actually, the first time I saw it I did think that it was a staged "worship". but when I saw the guitar, I was confused.)
Sacred Worship
11/15/2003 06:54:15 PM
Sacred Worship
by jmark53

Comment by Neuferland:
Smoke, light and lots of mirrors, reminds me of some of the gospel fests I have attended. The concept is good, the behind the musician shot, I barely saw the guitar in the man's hands and the different lights on the women is also good. The lack of any real clarity in any part of the shot throws me just a bit and the way his shadows fall is also off to me, can't quite say why. A 5
Sacred Worship
11/15/2003 05:18:22 AM
Sacred Worship
by jmark53

Comment by LindaLee:
An interesting photo, I really like the composition, and the way the lighting is done. (Did you intend for it to be red, white, and blue?!- That's the first thing that struck me!) Love the negative space aspect of the photo.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Sacred Worship
11/15/2003 02:25:53 AM
Sacred Worship
by jmark53

Comment by ScottK:
Ya know, since I lead worship, at heart my first response is to want to favor this shot. But a couple of things bother me about it, primarily revolving around the fact that 1) it looks very staged (if not, sorry, but that's how it comes across), and 2) it looks more like performance than worship (the smoke and lighting in particular). Though, the lighting is very striking and well captured. Nice effort, but emotionally it just doesn't deliver for me.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Sacred Worship
11/12/2003 04:55:33 PM
Sacred Worship
by jmark53

Comment by Gordon:
great use of light and colour. Is that the same person on the left and right ?
Photographer found comment helpful.
Sacred Worship
11/12/2003 03:17:46 PM
Sacred Worship
by jmark53

Comment by karmat:
this is cool. I like the coloring - it is balanced and adds interest to the shot. Also, the "backlighting" gives this a very interesting feeling.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Sacred Worship
11/11/2003 06:53:20 AM
Sacred Worship
by jmark53

Comment by kiwiness:
The smoke in the light effect is fantastic. The people with their arms up in the air is a good capture, the red light from the right and the bluish light from the left increase the impact a lot. The crop is a little uncentered, I would have given a little more space to the girl on the right, or less to the girl on the left. (9)

Looking at this again I only just realised the guy is holding a guitar.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Sacred Worship
11/10/2003 08:57:46 PM
Sacred Worship
by jmark53

Comment by adine:
cool lighting. Wish the figure on the left was as blue as the figure on the right is red.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Showing 1 - 10 of ~38

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