A World Apartby
jmark53Comment by HBunch: *Critique Club*
Telephone lines...yeah yeah yeah. lol You don't need to hear it AGAIN.
looks like it might have been a bit of a windy day, cause the globe looks to be in focus, but the trees, are really soft focus, which leads me to believe they were swaying in the wind a bit.
The angle and framing/cropping are good, with the exception of the unavoidable powerlines. Since the challenge is over now, you can always just clone those out, and tada! No more powerlines. I think that the globe being centered works here, as we can tell how big it really is. At first, I thought you picked a silly part of the globe to photographer, in the middle of the ocean, with nothing really to look at. But realize that with the surroundings, it's probably difficult to get an interesting pic otherwise.
one suggestion could be to stand under it, and shoot up toward the sky, so the sky would be the background, and wouldn't have anything else distracting from it, but the it would be difficult to judge size.
We do live on earth, most of us anyway, so I think that this does fit the Home Sweet Home theme.
The background elements aren't totally pleasing to look at, but hard to avoid.