My Cornerby
olegComment by HBunch: *Critique Club*
I like this, especially in black and white. I think you did an excellent job with the tones.
The lighting is good. I like how the light fades down the building from light to darker at the bottom. This makes for a nice visual effect. The weather appears to have been cooperating with you this day. love it when that happens.
The angle and framing/cropping are good. The only thing that stands out to me, and this is totally not your fault, is that the sign post is tilted, but Maddison doesn't line up with the windows on the building, making it look all crooked. NOT something I'd expect you to be able to get lined up, but something that would be really cool if it did.
I agree with the fact that madison kind of blends in with the building, which then it's probably a good thing that the sign doesn't line up perfect with the windows, cause then it would probably blend in worse. still not a huge deal, we can clearly see the difference in the sign and building, just looks like it almost belongs there.
The focus and clarity are perfect in my opinion. WE can see lots of detail in the building, and we can also see nice crisp lines in the lettering of the sign. I like how there are little Statue Of Liberty's on the signs.
I wish the "no standing" sign couldn't be seen, but now I'm getting real picky.
Great shot.