Strawberry smileby
MikuComment by HBunch: *Critique Club*
The background for this image is Quite pixellated. The focus and quality of the strawberry is good, but the quality of the background is really really poor. See all the little identifiable squares in it? Especially on the face.
There are a few hot spots of lighting. On the nose, hair and shirt. I think that the shadow on the strawberry is making it look like it's a little old. Maybe starting to go soft.
Overall angle and framing/cropping are good. I like the DOF, and think that it's used realy well here.
If I had a suggestion, for the challenge, it would be to have moved the strawberry nearer to the person, and get a vertical crop, so it would be more formatted for the front of a magazine.
Nice idea.
*Final Hours Critique*
If my comment is brief, it's because the Magazine Cover shots are going to be taken off the CC list tonight at midnight, and I can get to more of them, using less words. Figured even a brief comment is better than no comment at all.