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Registered UserMichael_

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Comments Received by Michael_
Showing 1 - 10 of ~21
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In between somewhere..
06/24/2003 06:53:10 PM
In between somewhere..
by Michael_

Comment by HBunch:
*Critique Club*
This shot is way too out of focus for my personal taste. I'm not really sure what magazine would put a shot which is so blurry on the front cover. I can't say that I've ever heard of your title as the name of a magazine, but anything is possible.
I think that the angle and framing/cropping are ok. I'm not really sure what that white dot near the left of the photo is, but it is quite distracting to the image as a whole.
I like the color, although it seems a bit muted, like it was foggy or something.
Your sillhouettes are good. I like how they are black, and the background mountain and clouds are blueish. That makes them stand out nicely and not blend in with everything.
Overall composition is good, but too blurry for me.
*Final Hours Critique*
If my comment is brief, it's because the Magazine Cover shots are going to be taken off the CC list tonight at midnight, and I can get to more of them, using less words. Figured even a brief comment is better than no comment at all.
In between somewhere..
06/19/2003 12:28:27 AM
In between somewhere..
by Michael_

Comment by Dallas_TX:
Well, still, a good try.
In between somewhere..
06/17/2003 04:11:29 PM
In between somewhere..
by Michael_

Comment by wewillexplore:
Somewhere between clear and focused lies this s hot. Try to brace the camera on something.
In between somewhere..
06/17/2003 09:59:36 AM
In between somewhere..
by Michael_

Comment by danh669:
I think this would benefit from being a bit sharper. Nice Silhouette, and I like the hue of the sky.
In between somewhere..
06/16/2003 10:49:00 PM
In between somewhere..
by Michael_

Comment by Bitz:
If this image had been sharper, it would be beautiful, but the soft focus makes it hard to determine what I'm looking at. Also, the title does not indicate what magazine you would want this to be on the cover.
In between somewhere..
06/16/2003 03:55:34 PM
In between somewhere..
by Michael_

Comment by dsidwell:
The tones and colors here are inviting, especially with the sillhouette. It seems quite out of focus, though, which detracts from its appeal to me. I'm also not quite sure what all I'm looking at.
In between somewhere..
06/15/2003 01:00:42 PM
In between somewhere..
by Michael_

Comment by wetland:
Out of focus and not sure I get it.
In between somewhere..
06/15/2003 12:40:09 PM
In between somewhere..
by Michael_

Comment by cykhansen:
Train Travels might be a better title...
In between somewhere..
06/14/2003 12:44:35 PM
In between somewhere..
by Michael_

Comment by kyrielle:
The silhouettes would be a nice effect - you have it set up to be very powerful, as far as how you framed the image, but everything's blurred. Was this a slow exposure? The smudging of edges is something I see on my slow exposures when I move a bit. It really detracts from the image, making it strain the eye a bit to look at it, unfortunately.
In between somewhere..
06/13/2003 08:15:28 AM
In between somewhere..
by Michael_

Comment by gaja_tz:
image is very blurry and there is something white on the right side. also colors look like washed and there is no details in the woods. = 3
Showing 1 - 10 of ~21

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