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Comments Received by marmik
Showing 1 - 10 of ~41
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Temptation Anyone????? SSSSSSssssssss
09/28/2003 10:38:11 PM
Temptation Anyone????? SSSSSSssssssss
by marmik

Comment by jmsetzler:
The date and time is adding a unique element to this photo...
Temptation Anyone????? SSSSSSssssssss
09/28/2003 09:28:49 PM
Temptation Anyone????? SSSSSSssssssss
by marmik

Comment by dacrazyrn:
great idea and background, but it is a bit too bright all around. deeper tones and touch darker would bring the snake out more and look a lot richer in color. little soft focus on the snake where it should be sharper
Temptation Anyone????? SSSSSSssssssss
09/28/2003 08:54:04 PM
Temptation Anyone????? SSSSSSssssssss
by marmik

Comment by dsidwell:
Too bad about the text, but what a great idea. I LOLed.
Temptation Anyone????? SSSSSSssssssss
09/28/2003 04:27:17 PM
Temptation Anyone????? SSSSSSssssssss
by marmik

Comment by visitor:
Nicely done but the focus/DOF is off for my taste.
Temptation Anyone????? SSSSSSssssssss
09/28/2003 04:06:08 PM
Temptation Anyone????? SSSSSSssssssss
by marmik

Comment by Inga_fang:
take the date out pleace....apart from that... a fantastic photo
Temptation Anyone????? SSSSSSssssssss
09/28/2003 12:59:21 AM
Temptation Anyone????? SSSSSSssssssss
by marmik

Comment by dr rick:
I'd always pictured the Genesis serpent to be a bit bigger. This image has a lesson for those that believe in Genesis: small temptations are as bad as big ones.

But on to the photo: I really like the way the snake is posed, the inclusion of part of the snake in the shadow, and the conrasts in color and texture between the snake and apple. Well focused and good composition. Some sharpening would help bring out the textures.
Temptation Anyone????? SSSSSSssssssss
09/27/2003 08:39:25 PM
Temptation Anyone????? SSSSSSssssssss
by marmik

Comment by lwkimages:
I think I'll swear off fruit forever... Well done! (Just get the text off before you sell it.)
Temptation Anyone????? SSSSSSssssssss
09/27/2003 07:08:30 AM
Temptation Anyone????? SSSSSSssssssss
by marmik

Comment by A Weaver:
Great picture! Cood composition! Great lighting! I would have turned the apple so you wouldnt see the bruises on the side! Is there any way you can turn off your date and time?
Temptation Anyone????? SSSSSSssssssss
09/26/2003 12:42:35 PM
Temptation Anyone????? SSSSSSssssssss
by marmik

Comment by ChrisW123:
Wow that's a tiny snake... good job photoing it with the apple because that gives you a sense of "up close" and "macro". If you just took the snake itself, there would be no way to tell. You could have gotten a little closer as well. Turn off the camera's auto-time stamp thing. :)
Temptation Anyone????? SSSSSSssssssss
09/26/2003 11:29:40 AM
Temptation Anyone????? SSSSSSssssssss
by marmik

Comment by kirbic:
Awww, (s)he's a cutie. Nice idea! A more diffuse light source would have given a more pleasing result here, I think. The snake's head is also a little out of focus. His head should be tack sharp for maximum effect. Also, turn your date stamping off; it does detract. Good Luck!
Showing 1 - 10 of ~41

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