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Registered UserJukes55

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Comments Received by Jukes55
Showing 1 - 10 of ~23
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In a pinch...
10/26/2008 08:32:33 AM
In a pinch...
by Jukes55

Comment by timfythetoo:
I dont get the concept of safety on this, but coming back and looking at it before I remembered what challenge it was I was thinking that this is a cool shot. Just has a cool, odd kind of gritty feel to it. Very interesting.
CD - Separation Anxiety
09/25/2008 12:13:43 PM
CD - Separation Anxiety
by Jukes55

Comment by Lydia:
This lacks interest to me... I'm sorry. I can see the cd... but I don't understand what the blown part is... and the title doesn't help me. I hope other voters are 'getting it' and that this does well for you.
CD - Separation Anxiety
09/24/2008 06:14:56 PM
CD - Separation Anxiety
09/24/2008 05:45:18 PM
CD - Separation Anxiety
by Jukes55

Comment by haze:
kind of hard to tell what this is..
In a pinch...
09/23/2008 08:27:48 PM
In a pinch...
by Jukes55

Comment by Lonni:
Great idea. I think that the subject of the photo is the safety pin, yet the martini glass grabs the attention due to the composition of the photo.
In a pinch...
09/22/2008 07:23:45 PM
In a pinch...
by Jukes55

Comment by beckydi:
Very creative and so subtle! One of my favorites in this challenge! Nice work!
In a pinch...
09/21/2008 03:39:52 PM
In a pinch...
by Jukes55

Comment by houstonian:
HUH? I do not understand this photo.
In a pinch...
09/19/2008 05:55:17 PM
In a pinch...
by Jukes55

Comment by vxpra:
I wonder how many people will over look this and accuse you of shoe horning.

Nice shot. Good lighting. I like how you've used the shadow from the glass to "point out" the safety pin.
In a pinch...
09/19/2008 08:27:47 AM
In a pinch...
by Jukes55

Comment by TonyT:
it took me a while to see the pin. I don't like the shadow on the woman. I had to figure out what it was. Maybe a little brighter.
In a pinch...
09/19/2008 08:21:03 AM
In a pinch...
by Jukes55

Comment by LiamD2005:
I dont see the safety aspect of this. (Although if I think waaaaay outside the box I can imagine its to do with a drink being spiked?)
I like the image though and it would have benefitted from a stronger focus on the glass.
Showing 1 - 10 of ~23

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