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Registered UserSnorri94

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Comments Made by Snorri94
Showing 1 - 7 of ~7
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Too shy shy...
12/30/2009 06:55:07 AM
Too shy shy...
by jodis_eva

Virkilega flott mynd Jódís!
The Guards of Iceland
12/08/2009 07:57:11 AM
The Guards of Iceland1st Place
by skari

Innilega til hamingju með þetta!

09/16/2009 03:44:52 PM
Godess1st Place
by heidahb

Þú ert snillingur.
Photographer found comment helpful.
But I don't want to go to school
09/16/2009 12:52:55 PM
But I don't want to go to school
by Snorri94

Originally posted by Richter:

Hefðir frekar átt að nota mig sem módel, ég er alveg í þessu skapi núna =)
Til hamingju með þetta kallinn.

Haha já, það hefði skilað mun betri árangri!

Originally posted by AmeedEl-Ghoul:

Regardless if this image is going to get disqualified or not, You've done a great job in this challenge, keep up the good work, and I am sure you'll fit just fine in this little wonderful community :)

Thank you very much, disqualification only makes you stronger :P
But I don't want to go to school
09/16/2009 12:50:16 PM
But I don't want to go to school
by Snorri94

Originally posted by K10DGuy:

Originally posted by Snorri94:

Wow thanks everyone! I really appreciate the comments and the votes.

When I read the rules for Advanced editing I wasn't sure about them but I read it over and over again until I was pretty sure I understood them right, unfortunatly I didn't. I thought that it was ok to mix two photos together from the same scene but that must be wrong (I'm from Iceland and not very good at English). Of course I tried to take the photo whith a single fram but the kid was alway a little blurry.

Again, thank you very much!

You can mix photos with the same scene, you just can't have elements change between them. So having one frame where it's just the boy, and then another where it's running kids, is going to be a no-no. It's unfortunate, for the challenge, but it in no way detracts from the PHOTO itself, and even though you'll probably lose the ribbon, take some solace in the fact that you learned something new, had fun doing it, and have a wonderful stand-alone photo as a result... and at least you'll get SOME front page exposure.

Ok, thanks for the explaination : )
But I don't want to go to school
09/16/2009 11:32:09 AM
But I don't want to go to school
by Snorri94

Wow thanks everyone! I really appreciate the comments and the votes.

When I read the rules for Advanced editing I wasn't sure about them but I read it over and over again until I was pretty sure I understood them right, unfortunatly I didn't. I thought that it was ok to mix two photos together from the same scene but that must be wrong (I'm from Iceland and not very good at English). Of course I tried to take the photo whith a single fram but the kid was alway a little blurry.

Again, thank you very much!
morning frenzy
09/09/2009 11:29:49 AM
morning frenzy3rd Place
by vawendy

Great photo! But i don't like the tilt....
Photographer found comment helpful.
Showing 1 - 7 of ~7

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