Author | Thread |
04/20/2010 05:51:44 AM |
For those interested, I had one homemade reflector (cardboard and aluminum foil) otherwise just ambient light. The PP was 1 RAW file developed twice, once for the sky and once for the foreground. Some dodge and burn, sharpening and other tweaks :-)
And thanx again for all you nice comments, views and votes;-) |
04/05/2010 01:10:35 PM |
Great picture!!! Is there a lighting set up? |
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09/18/2009 02:40:52 AM |
well i'm glad to see that my top photo for the challenge is the winner. congrats! |
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09/18/2009 01:35:23 AM |
Care to share the process and setup? |
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09/17/2009 09:47:53 PM |
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09/17/2009 01:52:33 PM |
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09/17/2009 09:54:17 AM |
Awesome work Heida! The image and the score are both outstanding.
Frábært að fá þig hingað á DPC og ekki slæm byrjun. |
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09/17/2009 12:33:36 AM |
stunning image congrats on your ribbon |
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09/16/2009 09:22:16 PM |
Gorgeous photo, I love the soft flowing green against the hard sharp black rocks. Well done on your Blue! |
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09/16/2009 08:43:18 PM |
Beautiful image. Welcome to DPC. |
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09/16/2009 06:37:05 PM |
Great contrast. I knew this one would win. Love the green dress. |
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09/16/2009 06:26:50 PM |
Heidi,Its really very good.Did you ever see the Deer Hunter,I think that erie black is grate.But I like your photographs. Harvey Sherman |
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09/16/2009 06:01:04 PM |
Looks like there's a new star on the block! Congrats -- beautiful image! |
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09/16/2009 04:44:53 PM |
Congratulations on your brilliant photo tribut, talent must run in the name.
Message edited by author 2009-09-16 16:45:17. |
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09/16/2009 04:13:57 PM |
very nice ;) well done :D |
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09/16/2009 03:44:52 PM |
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09/16/2009 02:24:41 PM |
This image just pops right out. Congrats on your 1st entry and BLUE.
Icelanders! wats with all the viking code. Englehsss please Englehsss :D |
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09/16/2009 01:41:49 PM |
Congratulations on the Blue ribbon! Superb image! ....and welcome to DPC! |
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09/16/2009 01:33:39 PM |
Oh yes! I thought this one would win. This is perfect! And there you sit with an overall "average score received" of 7.76! May you never drop below that again :) CONGRATULATIONS on a job flawlessly done! |
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09/16/2009 01:31:13 PM |
Love this shot, it's beautiful! Can you give an idea of what you did to get it to look like this?? |
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09/16/2009 01:26:57 PM |
Frábært Heida vann Heidukeppnina Til hamingju. |
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09/16/2009 11:57:15 AM |
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09/16/2009 11:15:16 AM |
OMG...your first ever challenge and you won it handily. Very well done. And welcome to the site! :-) |
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09/16/2009 10:43:29 AM |
Congrats, glad my 10 helped :) very well deserved,
Very very strong entry to DPC, it took me 5 years to get a Ribbon :) |
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09/16/2009 10:28:52 AM |
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09/16/2009 09:04:52 AM |
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09/16/2009 08:51:58 AM |
Congratulations! Just a beautiful photo! |
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09/16/2009 08:37:31 AM |
WOW. That's all I have to say. Very powerful image. Congrats on the ribbon. |
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09/16/2009 08:33:26 AM |
Congratulations, I was one of your many 10's, you really deserved this one! |
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09/16/2009 08:25:42 AM |
Jac: help from anyone;-) |
09/16/2009 08:05:45 AM |
Was Heidahb helped by Heida for this shot?
Message edited by author 2009-09-16 08:12:27. |
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09/16/2009 07:39:46 AM |
hehe snilld að Heiða hafi unnið þetta! Til hamingju góð byrjun :) |
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09/16/2009 07:35:30 AM |
Outstanding image - Welcome to DPC and congrats on a well earned Blue. |
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09/16/2009 07:32:52 AM |
Only a Heida could capture this marvelous image. |
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09/16/2009 06:47:22 AM |
Excellent!!! Congrats on the Blue. |
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09/16/2009 05:26:13 AM |
Haha frábært, til hamingju! |
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09/16/2009 05:19:23 AM |
Congrats Heida, excellent work as always!!! Who else than Heida to win the Heida competition ;-) |
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09/16/2009 05:17:29 AM |
You won the challenge and your photo is the highest rated on both your camera AND your lens. That's a good start! Congratulations! |
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09/16/2009 05:10:08 AM |
Innilega til hamingju Heida með sigurinn og þátttökuna à1 keppninni, svona gera bara snillingar vinkona ;°) Hlakka til að sjá meira frá þér ;°)
Geggjað hjá þér ;°) |
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09/16/2009 04:47:55 AM |
Nohh, það er ekkert annað, þvÃÂlÃÂk byrjun. Til hamingju með þetta! |
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09/16/2009 04:14:47 AM |
Til hamingju Heida !!!!!
Þú ert ótrúleg, fyrsta keppnin hér á dpc og blár borði strax :)svona gera bara SNILLINGAR ;)
Langflottasta myndin. |
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09/16/2009 04:10:53 AM |
Innilega til hamingju með bláa borðann Heida :). Glæsilegt hjá þér. |
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09/16/2009 03:49:54 AM |
Thank you all for your votes, views and comments:-) I am thrilled to have gotten the blue! |
09/16/2009 02:53:30 AM |
Nice....You were my pick. |
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09/16/2009 02:48:14 AM |
well done a wonderful take on this challenge.congrats |
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09/16/2009 02:26:24 AM |
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09/16/2009 01:53:27 AM |
first time paticipated in DPC and won a blue ribbon, wow , you're so gooooooood!! |
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09/16/2009 01:14:06 AM |
Congratulations on the blue! Excellent way to start your addiction to dpc, welcome! |
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09/16/2009 01:01:50 AM |
Congrats on your ribbon. Beautiful image. |
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09/16/2009 12:46:08 AM |
Congratulations! Beautifully done. |
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09/16/2009 12:17:06 AM |
Congratulations on your ribbon! A great start for sure!!! Looking forward to more images like this one... |
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09/16/2009 12:03:40 AM |
Congratulations! You have done that!
A long way to Go :) |
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09/16/2009 12:02:50 AM |
what a way to start! Congrats for your ribbon.
Message edited by author 2009-09-16 00:07:55. |
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Comments Made During the Challenge  |
09/15/2009 11:11:06 PM |
töff, er þetta krÃÂsuvÃÂk? |
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09/15/2009 08:31:42 PM |
Gorgeous tones and colors. I voted the first night but wanted to come back and comment. I really love this image. It deserves the 10 I gave it. |
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09/15/2009 05:57:04 PM |
No doubt about it: the style of Heida, excellent colors and mood but the pose of the model does not work for me. Still very good image. 8. |
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09/15/2009 05:37:59 PM |
Love the dark mood. The sky is very cool. Her dress stands out so beautifully! 8 |
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09/15/2009 02:51:39 AM |
Front page, no doubt. It's spectacular. |
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09/15/2009 12:58:40 AM |
Very Nice!!!. Would love to see the lady a bit sharper but this is really cool. |
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09/14/2009 03:43:32 PM |
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09/10/2009 08:27:39 PM |
The best of the pictures in this vein. |
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09/10/2009 09:56:07 AM |
very good photo and very heida. |
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09/10/2009 04:04:37 AM |
Definitely captured the feel I get when looking at Heida's work - the clouds, landscape, model and coloring all say Heida to me. Nice work. |
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09/10/2009 02:14:25 AM |
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09/09/2009 10:50:10 PM |
I think we have found the winner of this challenge. At least in the top 3 I hope. Very nice! (10) |
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09/09/2009 08:29:10 PM |
This would be on Heida's front page. |
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09/09/2009 08:13:37 PM |
It has all the elements of a Heida shot, but it doesn't have the same mood. I think that might be down to the lighting or perhaps processing. |
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09/09/2009 06:15:51 PM |
And we have a winner! You nailed it!!! 10 |
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09/09/2009 04:58:27 PM |
Top Marks. Very close to her work. Should ribbon. |
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09/09/2009 04:05:22 PM |
Oh yes. You pretty much nailed it! So far, it is my top pick! |
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09/09/2009 10:03:37 AM |
I'm sitting here voting and thinking that it would've been SO cool if Heida had entered this challenge without saying a word to anyone. That said, this photo made me believe she has. But I don't think this is Heida because the sky looks to clean. I'm used to see some noise on it. And maybe I do, or that might be my eyes. Point is that I will give you a 10 and favorite this photo, and I'm looking forward to see this ribbon in a week or so when the voting is done. Good luck! |
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09/09/2009 09:40:47 AM |
My favorite for the challenge, congratulations and I hope that this gets a ribbon!! |
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09/09/2009 09:01:56 AM |
Goddess has two Ds! LOL!!!......10 anyhow. FABULOUS!!! |
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09/09/2009 03:09:00 AM |
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09/09/2009 01:21:37 AM |
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09/09/2009 12:34:36 AM |
My pick for red. You did great capturing Iceland (if you aren't acutally there) and the clouds are, of course, heida. The fact the model does not command a large portion of the canvas is also a heida touch. I'm glad you didn't put her up on the rock and try to copy heida's shot. I would have given you a 5 for that, but you get a 9. |
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