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Registered Userarcrad

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Comments Made by arcrad
Showing 1 - 7 of ~7
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Fiat Lux
01/23/2011 09:18:23 PM
Fiat Lux
by dpurger

Cool coil. The hot white speculars on it make it look like its made from glass. The bokeh is bumpin'. Lovely little pearly spheres. Cool image, would've liked some more contrast and maybe a tad bit of brightness on the glass. Keep the background low and the heat up the foreground. Keep the heated coil and lead wires dark and saturated. Maybe a slight vignette on the background's brightness. Offset, so the coil really "glows". Very subtle modifications.
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Bare to the Bone
01/23/2011 09:15:45 PM
Bare to the Bone
by shut-eyes

Cool colors. Weird low contrast on the edges of the vignette. May be only my monitor. I like the night light. Very unique. Because I have never seen one like it before, to me, the image would be more interesting without the girl and only the light. Just have open wall space there. Maybe recompose a bit to tighten the framing. IMO, that would've made a nicer image.
Is there anything you did "Ott" do?
01/23/2011 09:10:42 PM
Is there anything you did "Ott" do?
by icecold1980

Nice PW. The colors are visually interesting. They don't have much life, and the technology and the processing confuse me, but its pretty. The fish bowl is rockin back there. The extended lens on the canon in front is creepy.
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01/23/2011 09:04:06 PM
by NikonJeb

I love the crispness of this image. Contrast in the snow and lamp is superb. Very clear atmosphere give great colors. The angle is good, the OOF text in upper camera left does not grab the eyes attention over the lamp. Eye movement for me at least goes from lamp to text and then around. The GE logo in the center of the lamp is especially crisp. Great capture and PW.

Of the many images of lamps in the challenge, most of them show the lamps that are turned on. This image shows an unlit lamp but still has the clarity and crispness of an image of a light source. The brightness of the center of the lamp contrast with the darkness of the brown metal background in the same way a lamp outshines its setting.

Sick photo man.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Flame of Hope
01/23/2011 08:59:28 PM
Flame of Hope
by fantac

The angle and colors are great.I feel close to the man in this image. Saturated colors and sharp focus on the hands give the man presence. He is the builder of flames. The keeper of the flame of hope. A noble thing for sure.

The green mass of what I presume is torso/arm and leg on the left side of the image is distracting. With so much area OOF, the hands are visually smaller. Cropping the image or composing it originally to make the hands larger on the sensor would give them more strength.
Casting Shadows
01/23/2011 08:51:53 PM
Casting Shadows
by mickeyd

The mood in this image is nice. The color of the light and the slightly diffuse web-like shadow on the wall really mellow me out.
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01/23/2011 08:50:57 PM
by Lydia

Creative interpretation of the challenge. I enjoy that the typical proportions of the lamp and the bulb have been reversed. The colors are nice, but the image comes across as bland. The soft diffuse lighting and white limbo don't give much for the eyes to chew on. The shadow is nice, however I find the reflections in the glass of the bulb to be rather dull.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Showing 1 - 7 of ~7

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