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Registered UserPop_in_Oz

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Comments Made by Pop_in_Oz
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Prospecting for gold
11/25/2003 05:41:08 AM
Prospecting for gold
by Pop_in_Oz

Thank you to all who responded for your honest appraisal of my first submission to a challenge, the photo was taken of a sunset from our front porch, it was reduced in size from the original but has not been modified in any way.

We get these kind of skies morning and evening several times a month so I have plenty to work with. The "Looking for Gold" was a slightly tongue in cheek reference, the only gold is the sun right in our face. The pale shapes that draw your eyes to the foreground are actually waste dirt piles from opal mining.

Once again, thank you for the comments and i look forward to putting up more of our amazing country for your appraisal.
It's Still Life Jim, but not as we know it.
11/11/2003 03:25:25 AM
It's Still Life Jim, but not as we know it.
by drgsoell

love this photo -it allows you to discover new aspects as you look,and was well thought out. The humour in the title/photo is excellent.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Showing 1 - 2 of ~2

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