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Registered UserSeanPresher

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Comments Made by SeanPresher
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Showing 41 - 50 of ~319
Image Comment
blood from a stone
07/22/2015 01:48:43 AM
blood from a stone
by mefnj

I love your idea, thinking out of the box! Cant find anything negative to comment on your entry!
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Spray & Wash
07/22/2015 01:46:41 AM
Spray & Wash
by Kelli

This challenge allows for advanced editing, but besides that, I feel that this seems more like a family holiday photo and sure whether the purists would resist the temptation to scrutinize this image in greater depth as to the creative worthiness of this image. The colours are very muted and could have been more bold and a better DOF could've got rid of the distracting background
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Fall harvest
07/22/2015 01:41:58 AM
Fall harvest
by Neat

This could've been entered for the "Summertime meals" instead. I'm not convinced that , although you are trying to portray that soup is a winter type dish, that the leaves add any value to the image. Just my opinion
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Liquid Lunch
07/22/2015 01:15:55 AM
Liquid Lunch
by JakeKurdsjuk

A great capture of the moment. This is a challenge with advanced editing allowed, but you could have tried this image with a little less harsh light, the colour of the stem of the glass is unfortunately lost and could have added value to the overall image.
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After The Day is Done Liquid
07/22/2015 01:12:58 AM
After The Day is Done Liquid
by westford

Pity that the glass is very tightly cropped at the bottom. I understand that you may have wanted to eliminate what the glass was standing on, but if you used the correct surface, you could have gotten away with having to crop it out this way. One has to very careful when using horizontal lines with another subject in the forefront, one can see that the glass is tilted slightly. Still a great image.
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Liquid Courage
07/22/2015 01:09:11 AM
Liquid Courage
by Budya

Great image, idea and clarity. I do find however that the rule of thirds could have improved this image a little more. It is very centred. Still a great capture with wonderful colours! :)
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07/22/2015 01:07:32 AM
by dtremain

With the colour of the skies, the liquid seems to get lost amongst it. This challenge open for advanced editing, so I'm sure that you could have done something to improve on the colours or could have tried to take the image at a different time of the day, if possible. If it is a geyser erupting, I can understand that one cannot change or predict what and when they erupt.
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Bear fight
07/22/2015 01:02:26 AM
Bear fight
by beatabg

The main feature "Liquid" doesn't seem to be standing out enough and feel that the bears are taking centre stage.
Unconventional Shower
07/22/2015 12:48:03 AM
Unconventional Shower
by Alex_Petrini

I know that the feature is supposed to be "Liquid", but I would have liked to see the entire apple, just a little cropped. The apple itself could have been more in focus and still show off the water pouring onto it and flowing around it.
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Water Park
07/22/2015 12:45:01 AM
Water Park
by crik

Nice curves
Photographer found comment helpful.
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Showing 41 - 50 of ~319

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