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Comments Made by suprada
Showing 1 - 10 of ~43
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Soldier Cut in Three
11/28/2005 07:54:15 PM
Soldier Cut in Three
by teemuo

Greetings from the Critique Club!

About the photo, first let me state the obvious...the photo does seem to be too dark to make out the details. With what details I can see (after increasing the brightness of my monitor), it is surely an interesting photograph.
Technically, I would like to see the photo a bit more sharp. The lighting with the torch seems abrupt...I wonder if it could have been made more seamless... I assume that the flashlight was first focussed on the feet, then on the hands with the rifle and then the face. The bright spot to light the face overlaps the shoulder part of the midsection. In my opinion, placing the hand and rifle part lower would help and balance out the light spot positions and make them symmetric along the anti-diagonal. Also some more space on the right edge would help with the photo balance.

All said and done, its a nice photo. To me it symbolizes the before, now and after of a soldiers life. Well done and keep shooting. Hope to see more great work from you.

-- Suprada
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Window to Her Wondrous Soul
11/22/2005 08:06:02 PM
Window to Her Wondrous Soul
by lynnesite

This photo brought tears to my eyes. I cant speak about the photos composition / technical aspects etc..I dont care. This photo speaks to me deep within like very few photos do. It is much more than a photo. Personification of selfless love, beauty and grace..thats what she is. I can feel the love you bear her in this picture..One of my very favourites...
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Oswald West Sunset
09/12/2005 11:48:58 AM
Oswald West Sunset
by Elemmennope

Nice photo. I read your comments about wanting to do away with the seagulls, but in my opinion, it adds something valuable to your photo. Looks like a great place to be. I like the texture of rocks which the sunlight seems to bring out. Good work.
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09/09/2005 03:45:11 PM
by taterbug

Nice photo. Like the tones, the fence placement. What I would like better would be a little less brightness. It kind of feels too bright.
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God's daily reminder.jpg
09/09/2005 02:31:25 PM
God's daily reminder.jpg
by danica22

Amazing colors and awesome clouds. A bit of tilting to straighten teh horizon would do very well.
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09/09/2005 02:30:04 PM
by danica22

Good idea. Though I like your other straw abstract.This would kind of benefit from getting rid of the red region in the top right corner. Nice soft colours. The blur does well.
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drinking light.jpg
09/09/2005 02:28:31 PM
drinking light.jpg
by danica22

Nice work. The positioning and the crop work beautifully and so does the colour. Like the irregular arrangement of the straws.
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09/09/2005 01:13:45 PM
by SJCarter

Very nice. Kind of scares me....like the forest which looks very nice but will eat me up when I enter...imagination on the run...I love the colors. The light green areas add to the dreaminess of the photo. You sure did a great job with the crop.
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Baby Bugs!
09/09/2005 11:52:23 AM
Baby Bugs!
by Schuff

How cute! I would love a tighter crop too. Does look very helpless. Sweet sweet bunny.
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09/09/2005 11:49:13 AM
by jmlelii

Nice one! Looks like some exposure problems due to very high contrast. The vfery dark shadows with no details seem to be distracting as are the overblown highlights on the leaves. I guess to remedy that it needs to be reshot during softer light or lots of processing in photoshop! Nice nonetheless.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Showing 1 - 10 of ~43

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