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Comments Made by mpjashby
Showing 11 - 20 of ~27
Image Comment
Early  Riser
07/21/2002 08:37:00 PM
Early Riser
by lmhr

Bigger moon next time
07/21/2002 08:43:00 PM
by ibewill

Caught in the Headlights
07/08/2002 07:35:00 PM
Caught in the Headlights
by samwise

This would work better with a camera with reverse curtain sync, or a car that was going backwards (!) - this would mean that the light 'trials' were behind the clear image of the car. Also, centre the car horizontally and make sure it is straight!
The Shadow of the Keyboard
06/21/2002 12:41:00 PM
The Shadow of the Keyboard
by hlandhaus

Where's the shadow? Isn't this just a dark picture of a keyboard? Try putting half in shadow and half not, with an interesting pattern marking the join
06/21/2002 12:37:00 PM
LINKS3rd Place
by Digipixer

I like the pattern - very nice, but a bit bright if (like me) you are colour blind
Spongebob Square Shadow
06/21/2002 12:40:00 PM
Spongebob Square Shadow
by Photo Jim

The quality on this shot is a bit poor - maybe it would be better with a stronger light (although you would have to work with the shadow a bit more). The link to the challenge is a bit tenuous too - you might want to move the doll further from the wall / nearer to the light so that the shadow will be bigger, as well as have a stronger light to make it more defined
06/15/2002 02:06:00 PM
by mci

A bit corporate
Shadow Rider
06/14/2002 06:16:00 PM
Shadow Rider
by timj351

Nicely rotated - when the image is loading slowly it looks like the shadow and the bike are reversed. Maybe get rid of the blur next time? It might remove the feeling of action, but I guess it's personal choice
Sunset on the Road
06/15/2002 02:00:00 PM
Sunset on the Road
by kristie380

Nice. If the quality of the image was better, it would be very nice.
Country Road
06/14/2002 06:23:00 PM
Country Road
by shortredneck

Wait for a sunny day - pictures that include the sky are often not worth taking on cloudy days (if this is a sunny day and you live where it gets hazy, maybe a little tweeking could sort it out.
Showing 11 - 20 of ~27

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