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Comments Made by tastelikedirt
Showing 21 - 30 of ~32
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Passin' Through
06/07/2004 07:01:09 AM
Passin' Through
by OneSweetSin

Nice composition and colors....that thing looks tough.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Look Out
06/07/2004 07:00:26 AM
Look Out
by TimboMachete

I was thinking about doing some U.F.O. shots myself.
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On The Pier
06/07/2004 06:59:14 AM
On The Pier
by amcraig

Nice composition and shapes...seems a tiny bit akward..the bottom half of the pier.
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prairie sky
06/07/2004 06:57:49 AM
prairie sky
by vtruan

This has interesting composition...and unusual lighting.
I like it and dislike it at the same time.
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Two octaves, clear and sharp
06/07/2004 06:56:50 AM
Two octaves, clear and sharp
by rhipster

This is perplexing. Is it a photograph?
Cool colors and lighting....crazy shapes...the contrast mixed with that lighting makes it look like a painting.
I like it.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Storm Clouds
06/07/2004 06:54:37 AM
Storm Clouds
by flip89

This is interesting colors, and composition.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Into the great  yellow open, under the skies of blue
06/07/2004 06:53:59 AM
Into the great yellow open, under the skies of blue
by artvet

Cool colors and composition. I like it.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Diffraction Beyond a Macro Opportunity
06/07/2004 06:53:23 AM
Diffraction Beyond a Macro Opportunity
by Kha0S

I like the lighting...the shapes...the colors...and composition.
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Time to rest.
06/07/2004 06:52:40 AM
Time to rest.
by sixmacs

Cool light and colors...seems a bit dark...I don't know if that shape in the forground adds to this...
Really neat how the light seems to burst out of the clouds.
Cool photo.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Waiting on My Ship to Come In
06/07/2004 06:50:07 AM
Waiting on My Ship to Come In
by hallswel

Those dogs don't look like they are waiting for a ship...it looks like they are waiting for the photographer to get out of the way so they can get off the dock.
I like the converging lines..and the shapes of the dock, and texture of the water and dock...There are some interesting elements, but I don't think they are quite coming together, maybe a slightly different composition would help.
This picure is kinda hard to look at.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Showing 21 - 30 of ~32

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