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Comments Made by photoMILA
Showing 1 - 10 of ~20
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Oh  Yarn!
05/30/2020 04:14:40 PM
Oh Yarn!2nd Place
by photoMILA

Originally posted by ytshuva:

excellent shot for the challenge. I think that the eyes should point the camera in kind of kinky way..:) (top 1 for me in that challenge)

There were a few like that, but for some reason they just did not work.
Maybe because once I look in the camera the eyes start competing with all the many things around them for attention.
Or maybe I did not like the expression, who knows.
This one was me trying to figure out if the old wireless shutter my hand will work with the new camera.
Worrying, and you can kinda tell, that it is not working and all the set up would be for nothing.
The pinned on yarn balls were sliding ever so slightly the whole time. :D
Where To Now
05/29/2020 04:47:21 PM
Where To Now
by photoMILA

Originally posted by willem:

I did not state hand under chin is a no-no or a hard rule. In this image I feel the fist with chopped-of fingers does not work, does not add and is even distracting for me. Also, meeting Dynamic Symmetry rules does not automatically make it a good image. Anyway, just my opinion, please use it in whatever way you like.

That was my logical answer to your derogatory drive-by criticism, which denigrates the site and all of us.
There is no other way to take it but condescending.

If you don’t like it move on. It does not add , other than put the photographer down by saying ‘I don’t like it’ or ‘it does not work for me’.

Anyway, the hand is not ‘chopped off’. It is a very inflammatory statement.
I wish that you would stop that kind of a talk in here. It does not add.
It can be done to you and any and all of your images. It is so easy to do. But it is also nasty.

Also, there is obviously a lack of understanding about Dynamic Symmetry. It DOES mean that the photo is a good photo.
The more points of importance on the subject lines up with the grid the better the photo.
Mona Lisa , for example has the most points lining up with the Dynamic Symmetry, then all if them.
You may not like the painting, the style, the painter, the idea of it all..but she really is the most perfect painting in the world.
And being a realist portrait painter, I was fascinated by it in person, as these things can be felt and seen.

Also nothing about Dynamic Symmetry is automatic.
It comes from sheer talent or intuition,
or careful crafting and skill. Either way it is as sure as gravity or perspective.
It is there, and can help us gage creativity and good art vs opinion and bias.

Please don‘t argue with me on my page and go and tend to yours.

Message edited by author 2020-05-30 00:04:24.
my boy
05/29/2020 06:03:54 AM
my boy3rd Place
by roz


This is such a good photo. And not just because the dog is so cute and sitting still.
The composition is literally making us look exactly where you want us to look, maybe where are you are looking.
The ears and the curvature of the neck, and then going around in the order of importance.
And of course the light beam adds just the right touch, like the icing on top.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Where To Now
05/29/2020 02:43:10 AM
Where To Now
by photoMILA

Originally posted by jim29028:

different pose than most, some good motion, the focus on her ear is a little distracting as I want it more on her eye, like the tight crop

I can't believe you noticed the difference in sharpness.

No excuses, but as usual I was running out of time, and did not experiment with enough lenses.
I wanted a severe bokeh, and the illusion of motion with complete peace.

Message edited by author 2020-05-29 02:45:22.
Where To Now
05/29/2020 02:31:19 AM
Where To Now
by photoMILA

Originally posted by ytshuva:

I think this is very unique portrait.
the hand vs the happiness in her face are very confusing yet it made me stare at this long time..
someone said before..if you stare in a photo more then 2 sec, it must have something interesting.."

You are right about the hand. It appears contradictory and it is.
A fist is automatically dynamic and defensive, but look where it is pointing.
Definitely not where the smile and expression is pointing. Maybe to the outside world, maybe to anything other than the one or something she is looking at.

I tested this photo, by putting it as a desktop on my computer and never got bored or startled (in bad way) by it, which I always do with self portraits.
All other images from this shoot did that, even the 'prettier ones' and that's how I know that I picked the right one.
And sure enough, when tested with my new found knowledge about the Dynamic Grid I now know why.
Thank you for your comment. :)
Where To Now
05/29/2020 02:17:17 AM
Where To Now
by photoMILA

Originally posted by Lydia:

I love the idea of this. (Lydia)

Of what?

But, to me, it looks like she's punched herself with her fist and hit her head around, making her hair fly. (Lydia)

That's some imagination.

I wonder what kind of imaginary thought you'd have about this one form Irving Penn.

I was actually lying down completely peaceful in a gorgeous light with the sun rays peaking through the branches above me.
There so no pain or chaos on my face.

Then, we see up her nose (very clean!) from this angle. (Lydia)

Irving Penn did it. A lot. So will I.

She appears to be very beautiful, but this image does not flatter her, I think. (Lydia)

Since you do not know what she looks like you don't really know that it is flattering.
It is. Nostril and all. There were dozens of shots.
This was the expression I was looking for: peaceful, agreeable and hopeful, as if saying: where to now.

The colors and bokeh are wonderful.

Thank you. But this critique made me rethink whether I should stick around here.
If these kinds of critiques get thrown around, not helpful and frankly amateurish,
I am not sure I'll learn much.
Too bad, because I love the site and the idea of it.

Message edited by author 2020-05-29 02:35:40.
Where To Now
05/29/2020 01:47:07 AM
Where To Now
by photoMILA

Originally posted by willem:

In a portrait, always consider what to do with the hands. Here it looks like she cut off all her fingers. Also would have preferred to see her eyes instead of ear. The image does not work for me.

Hand under chin is not a no-no or a hard rule. There are many photos out there, from those who dare. In addition to checking out the article I am suggesting (in post challenge note above )about Dynamic Symmetry there is nothing more dynamic than a hand touching face somehow. This is not a beauty shot. The hand is there as a natural prop, and not an asset. There is a difference. As for the way it angles, check out the videos or the same photo with the grid on it. It all works for what I intended it to do: theme, title and expression of the face all working in unison.
05/27/2020 12:27:14 AM
Wings2nd Place
by IreneM

This is AMAZING. It is kind of perfect. Wow.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Counting the Days
05/22/2020 10:04:27 PM
Counting the Days
by PenelopeK

I like that you didn't make the eye in the dark completely dark. You left the sparkle.
I zoomed in and saw and was pleasantly surprised.
Nice detail.
In this world of redundant photography it is needful.
And in my opinion, necessary.
Otherwise, we'll all slide too much into the technical, and not recover easily!
Photographer found comment helpful.
05/22/2020 12:32:05 AM
by ytshuva

Love this one. Was one of the 4 on top for me.
So liquid like, yet we are looking at metal and stone.
Really well composed and thoughtful.
Maybe people could not see that this is not just another skyscraper from below photi.

Sometimes the front page here looks so bland, redundant and flat out ugly,
(not right now mind you)
yet pictures like this don't win.

It's like that in the art world too.
The 'best in show' can be by far not the best in show.
Makes me feel funny, but what can you do!
Photographer found comment helpful.
Showing 1 - 10 of ~20

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