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Registered Userwindjammer

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Comments Made by windjammer
Showing 11 - 20 of ~34
Image Comment
11/03/2004 04:12:04 AM
by L1

If I had'nt seen this before I would have given it a 10, but I have. sorry you get a seven
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Phallic Radish
11/03/2004 04:09:48 AM
Phallic Radish
by superpope

looks like a dick.
Photographer found comment helpful.
11/03/2004 04:02:11 AM
by sailracer_98

what did you paint the wood around the mushrooms? I wanted to give it a 10 but after thinking about this I'm not so shure. If only I knew, oh well you get a 6
Photographer found comment helpful.
Distortional Flow
11/03/2004 03:58:20 AM
Distortional Flow
by aeslah

very nice
Heavenly Glow
11/03/2004 03:58:02 AM
Heavenly Glow
by Truegsht

Good but I don't like it, you get a 5
Nature Sprakles
11/03/2004 03:57:12 AM
Nature Sprakles
by prbetts

good but way too fuzzy bringing the total score down to a 4.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Orange Sky
11/03/2004 03:56:31 AM
Orange Sky
by tito79_98

kinda cool
When I count to three - you will fall asleep
11/03/2004 03:56:15 AM
When I count to three - you will fall asleep
by insane

That's to funney I know I've seen stuff like this before but I'm giving it a 10.
Yellow Moon
11/03/2004 03:54:56 AM
Yellow Moon
by famish99

to fuzy, remeber if the picture is fuzzy that's going to lose you at least one point if not more. And for this print it's going to be more. Good try and all but this has been done so many times before that this picture seems to me as a first atempt at shooting the moon with an inadiquit camera for the job and a false sense of achomplishment. This just isn't a great image. Don't look at how hard it was to take the shot but how appealing it looks from someone elses eyes. Because I for one tend to over glorify my pictures and think there perfect until I step back and take a look at all the other photos out there. Mine don't compare as do your's.
11/03/2004 03:47:16 AM
by anireno

is it bread?
Photographer found comment helpful.
Showing 11 - 20 of ~34

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