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Registered UsertheFinn

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Comments Made by theFinn
Showing 1 - 9 of ~9
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Yet Some Call It Passion
03/26/2005 05:11:30 PM
Yet Some Call It Passion
by gloda

Great shot! I would have given it a 10 except for one thing, the angle (or something) is making the models face look really weird and it's distracting from the rest of the shot...oh...and I"m guessing this was a double exposure or something because I can see the cards through the models hands...

Great composition otherwise though, so I'm giving it a 9!
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The Longest Flight
03/26/2005 05:09:29 PM
The Longest Flight
by love

haha, boy have I been there!

Great shot but I would have liked to have seen a less tight of a crop on her face, and maybe a tad bit more of a glassed over expression to really work the bordom angle.
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Waiting for the Auto Club
03/26/2005 05:07:04 PM
Waiting for the Auto Club
by MichaelC

Great shot. The only thing that kept me from giving this a solid 10 (I gave you a 9) is that while it conveys bordom it seems to show frustration more. If your model looked a little more bored it would have done it for me.
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03/26/2005 05:05:38 PM
by H R Verry

This shot really gives the feeling of bordom while still being an dynamic and interesting photo, excellent work! This is my choice for blue, 10 all the way!
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...in a pod
03/23/2005 11:11:27 PM
...in a pod
by theFinn

rigrider: I agree ;). I did expect to do somewhat better then 50th place, but that's the problem with going 'outside the box' on a challenge like this I guess.

pawdrix: Along with being an amature photographer I'm also an amature chef so...

Thanks to everyone of there great comments, I'm glad people like my art!
03/23/2005 01:40:00 AM
by jcolosi

Throw in a couple pictures from the zoo and it's this challenge. ;)
Photographer found comment helpful.
See Spot Drink
03/23/2005 01:27:40 AM
See Spot Drink
by brad177

Very amusing and entertaining photo, but where's the boardom? Looks like fun! I'll give it a 7 anyway because it gives me a chuckle.
A kiss is but a kiss...
03/16/2005 11:26:53 AM
A kiss is but a kiss...
by itripn

The white 'feathering' is really distracting in this picture. Without it I would have rated this much higher then I did. Also, you should have staged it somewhere with a better background, the chair and stuff on the walls in the background draw me away from the subjects. Otherwise, you captured moment quite artfully.
Photographer found comment helpful.
03/16/2005 12:38:52 AM
by felgon

Excellent picture, I love it, but it really doesn't fit in with the theme, sorry.
Showing 1 - 9 of ~9

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