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Registered Userdimes

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Comments Made by dimes
Showing 1 - 5 of ~5
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just a simple tossed green salad
09/15/2002 01:24:00 AM
just a simple tossed green salad
by sns

faster shutter sped would've made this sweet. those peppers look really spicy.
I had sexual relations with your mother
04/01/2002 07:52:00 AM
I had sexual relations with your mother
by ryano

This shot is cool, the midground is in focus but the foreground is burry. Still, at least the thing that you wanted as the subject is clearly the subject. I also give you a +1 for a good title but a -1 because I have no idea what I'm looking at.
What They Should've Done
04/01/2002 07:57:00 AM
What They Should've Done
by sonicblis

Great picture. I guess it would've been better if the needle was in focus too. Still, the title makes it clear what your intent was. I bet more people would get to Seattle if there were two giant forks placed precariously atop the needle. Hell, it'd even make me watch Frasier.
anusawari prachatiphatai
04/01/2002 07:46:00 AM
anusawari prachatiphatai
by lunarmanic

A good shot but WAY too much jpeg artifacting. your image is only 43k! next time, use more of the 150k we're allowed.
03/12/2002 10:50:00 AM
by risu81

I recommended this picture for disqualification before i reread the rules. There is no way to revoke the request for disqualifcation that I saw but you won't get disqualified so don't worry about it.
Showing 1 - 5 of ~5

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