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| 02/26/2003 03:11:59 PM |
Lady in Red by SeekerComment: Sorry for the delay but for those of you interested in the out takes they can be found at Lady In Red Out Takes. If you have any questions send me a PM and I'll do my best to help. |
| 02/10/2003 10:23:03 AM |
. . . There Be Thornsby SeekerComment: Just in case anyone drops by. This shot was not a gratuitous shock shot. I tried for "deeper" meaning with this shot. The flower is considered feminine, while a red rose typically suggests love. The hand and arm are obviously masculine. The hand is in a fist which denotes power and/or control. The blood symbolizes damage and pain. While considered extreme the amount of blood was to make the viewer stop and try to figure out what was being said. I think a few people almost understood it but I cant' be sure.
Lesson learned? Don't go for deep on DPC, takes too much time to interpret and most people can't or won't take the time. |
| 11/25/2002 12:25:00 AM |
Technology Just Makes It Easierby SeekerComment: OK, just for the record, I don't own all this stuff. Well, I do own a couple. Let's see, found the rock and club, made the spear and the arrow. The sword is a display type from my days in Okinawa. The knife and modern pistol are mine while the old pistol and AK-47 are borrowed. The grenade is one of two dummys I bought to turn into gag gifts. I learned a lot in this challenge and the most important one was not to oversharpen a 1.3 megapixel image. Thanks for all the comments. The only other shot I've gotten this many comments on was my Lady in Red shot. |
| 10/29/2002 02:25:00 PM |
Lady in Red by SeekerComment: Lisae, I'm sorry you feel that way about my shot and appreciate your comment. I spent a considerable amount of time surfing the web studying "classic" nudes trying to decide how to do this shot. I've never done a nude before so the entire experience was one of fascination and learning. I found that laser light is not very flattering to the human face. I attempted to generate a, for lack of a better word, "de Milo" effect by including only the torso. The arms introduce more complexity to the shot not to mention blocking other areas of the torso because of the stark, highly directional nature of the laser beam. I wanted a simple, clean image and by having the model stand with her hands raised above her head the subtle stomach muscles are a bit better defined while eliminating the potential interference of the arms. I thank you for the input as it's another perception on my work that I didn't have. |
| 10/28/2002 10:21:00 AM |
Lady in Red by SeekerComment: Thanks for all the great comments. I spent close to 20 hours researching, testing and producing this shot and everyone's response to it was quite gratifying. I'm trying to figure out how to do the mini-tutorial that some have asked for but there may be too much nudity in my out-takes to be viable. PM me if you have specific questions and I'll do my best to help. |
| 10/14/2002 01:30:00 AM |
Will It Ever. . .by SeekerComment: In answer to the question, No I didn't misappropriate the stop sign. I was able to borrow a damaged one from my city's sign shop for the shoot to allow me to make my "statement". The really sad part is that this is a creek 500 feet away from a man made lake called Lake McKinney. I'm forwarding my shots to the city to see what can be done. If that doesn't work I'm sending the shots to the city newspaper. Who knows, may it can be stopped. . . |
| 10/08/2002 12:47:00 PM |
Reflections on Darknessby SeekerComment: Created a FYI site at // to explain how I did the reflection without a mirror as some thought I may have. My "hint" was based on the old saying "It is better to light a single candle than to curse the darkness". |
| 09/30/2002 01:18:00 AM |
Big Dby SeekerComment: Um, anybody see the colors "framing" the city? The colors of the sunset show up behind the city and in the water on my monitor but may not be visible on others. I'm not complaining mind you, just curious if I should stay away from subtle coloring in future submittals. Thanks to those who took the time to comment. |
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